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Bjørn Sigurd

Adding cloumns

by Bjørn Sigurd


As a consultent who started as a user in v 3.50 of VB in 1998 I have been looking foreward to try out NXT.


We are in 2023, right? 

Is it just me who are doing this wrong or is it really so that the only way to add a new column at the beginning of the table is to use ctrl+u (right click on a column is maybe more intuitive). Then scroll down at the end of the chosen columns and finally move the column to the top of the list with clicking the 

BjrnSigurd_1-1698671878062.png-sign multiple times untill it reaches the top?




Is this really true in 2023?

Please tell me I'm wrong and not seeing the intuitive drag and drop solution.




Bjørn Sigurd

by Bjørn Sigurd

It works, but still it is below my (and the customers) expectations for a new system in 2023. 

Bjørn Sigurd


Accepted solution
Erling Dyste

by Erling Dyste

Hi Bjørn Sigurd! You can drag and drop, but do it directly in the layout - not while you are in the select columns dialogue. Just click and drag on the column header. 

Notice you can also lock columns from scrolling by dragging them all the way to the left (or right).


Good luck!