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Importing sales order

by danielboylan


I have company A who wants to send salesorders to company B. Until now I've sent these orders directly to the "salesorder(salgsordre)" window, using "order_create" in graphql. But now, when i look at the "Salesorder pluss(salgsordre pluss)" window, there is a "Incoming orders"- table in the browser. Is it correct to send these orders to this table instead of directly into the  "salesorder(salgsordre) - ferdigmeld"- table?

And if so, would  incomingDocument_create be the correct mutation?

Accepted solution
Øyvind Årseth

by Øyvind Årseth

Hi Daniel

No reason to use the incoming order-table. It is the "landing site" for incoming order documents when you use electronic order exchange via AutoInvoice, but I can't see any reason to use it when creating regular sales orders. 
The mentioned mutation sounds correct, but then your input would have to contain an xml in the correct format, attachments would need to be handled in the incoming document attachments-table, and finally the entire input would need to be processed into a sales order. Much easier to use order_create🙂

The tab with the incoming documents-table is no longer in the default standard layouts for orders.