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Test database/login?

by jmase

I have read the documentation on Visma Developer portal and created an application.

I know what API to use and will start building the integration.


However, how do I test? I did a Tripletex integration a few months ago and there you register for a test database and a test login. With Visma Business I cannot find any way to create a test database and a test login.

I don't want to use my customers database (dangerous) and also it does not looks professional if I must ask them to connect to a alpha/beta integration.


How do I get a test database and a test login so I can test when I develop my integration?


by Øyvind Årseth


Feel free to send me an email with your contact details, and we'll arrange access to a test company. 
It would be helpful to know if you already are registered with a Visma customer number, in which country you reside, your company name, your personal name & email address etc. 
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