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customerinvoice endpoint missing credit notes

av rajbhatta

Hi Team,

When implementing customer invoices (Receivables Invoices) via /customerinvoice endpoint, we were missing creditMemo. I tried to fetch these using other endpoint /CreditNote, we do get the credit memo there, but the endpoint itself is deprecated. 

Is there any other way to fetch credit memo for receivables?

Any help is highly appreciated.


1 SVAR 1
Godkänd lösning
Jonas Pålsson

av Jonas Pålsson


I am sorry, but Visma.net ERP community is not the correct channel for userguides or support regarding integrations.

All support for Visma.net integrations is handled via our community "Developers Visma.net" where all certified developers can post in Developer forum.

If you are not a certified developer for Visma.net ERP you can only read existing posts and find useful tips in the knowledge base.

So please check with the certified developer at your company if you still need to post your question in our Developer forum.


Have a great day!




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