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Visma Datahub API - skiptoken issue

af Anonymous

Hi everyone! 


I am having trouble getting the full table from Visma Datahub using the API.

I found this document: Visma Datahub  which tells me to add table name and subscription key to URL - this takes the first 1000 records.
For subsequent packages, add skiptokenid. How is this ID generated? How can I add it to the URL?

I will be grateful for any help.

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af Anonymous

@Karina Baisgaard , @Thor Lundehoj , @Anonymous , @B_V_ 

Can you help me with this, please? 

Thanks in advance and I appreciate every reply.

Godkendt løsning
Thor Lundehoj

af Thor Lundehoj

Hi @Anonymous,


I am afraid that we are no able to help with such manner through Visma Community. 

I have to ask you to contact our Support by phone or by using Visma Portal to create a ticket.


I wish you a great weekend 🙂 

Med venlig hilsen,
Thor Lundehøj
Community Manager
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