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Best practice for finding next deliverydate for an inventory item?

by Trygve Storrønningen1

When an inventory is low or out of stock in the webshop, we want to show the next date when the stock will be re-filled - and the quantity we expect delivered.


So with parameter inventoryNumber - via "SomeEndpoint" we wish to lookup the next date(s) and quantity for this inventory on purchase our orders. 


How can this be done most effectively? 


by JohanFriedrichsen

Any updates on this question?


We would like to be able to get the next delivery date as a parameter on the inventory item itself. Would that be possible?

by Magnus Johnsen

Hi, we are looking in to this.


So far, in the UI the best way to find this would be to:

1. Check what warehouses the item is stocked in(only needed to check for several if the inventory item gets delivered to multiple locations, if it is always delivered to one, the default warehouse should be enough).

2. Go to Inventory Allocations details(IN402000) to see what purchaseOrders are not yet purchaseReciepts:

2021-05-06 12_30_37-Inventory allocation details.png

3. Check the expected delivery date on the order.


As of right now, this screen does not seem to be exposed. We are checking with the ERP team what the best way to do this would be and will get back to you as soon as we have more information.