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Best practice for handling accrued salesOrders / customerInvoice

by Fredrik_Upsales



We're syncing sales orders and customerinvoices between our CRM and Visma.NET. We now want to sync accrued orders as well. What's the best practice for handling the Deferral Code?


Our primary target group is sales representatives who don't know much about accounting so is it usually the same deferal code being used for all orders in Visma or how should it work?


by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎24-01-2023 15:45 by Magnus Johnsen VISMA )


By assigning a deferral code to a line of an invoice or a credit note, you can deffer ther amounts in appropriate periods according to the customers setup.

They need to setup defferal codes according to their needs in Visma.Net Financials, after that you only need to get the deferral codes and set them to the document lines.

2023-01-24 15_43_33-Deferral codes - Brave.png

More information on how to setup the deferral codes can be found here.

2023-01-24 Integrations Documentation - Brave.png

Thank you. 


by Fredrik_Upsales

Hi Magnus!


Thanks for your response.


I notice that we have the same fields in the Visma.NET UI for Sales orders as well but no way to fetch or set them via the API. Or am I missing something there?

by Magnus Johnsen

Deferall codes are not set on salesorders in the current solution or the NextGen salesOrder service. 

And yes, there is currently no way of setting them via the api.