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Creating an opening balance per customer and account

by Daanensing_Lucanet

In order to extend the functionalities of our Visma integration, we would like to create an opening balance per customer for specific accounts. For example: in order to identify intercompany transactions, we would like to create an opening balance which is split to different debtors for specific accounts (e.g. 1300 - Debtors).


Right now we use the endpoint GeneralLedgerBalance but this endpoint does not support any other dimensions thant account. Would someone be able to advise me:

- Which endpoint to use? 

- Which logic to use? 


An important assumption is to limit the amount of requests to the lowest as possible. 


Kind regards, 




by Yıldırım

Hello Daan, 


In the first place, we'd recommend establishing the desired work flow in the Financials UI, once you've determined the flow please describe the modules/functions then we can help you find relevant endpoints/operations and check their availability in API.




Hi Yildirim,


This extension was delayed for a while but right now is quite importrant again. I was asking because we need the data in our own system, and not in Visma. The reason behind this is to identify intercompany relations on debtor and creditor accounts. To be more precise, we would like to extract the balance per account (e.g. 1300  Debiteuren) per Debtor for the beginning of a certain year. 


Is this sufficient information? Please let me know. 






by Yıldırım (Updated ‎21-10-2021 15:04 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hello Daan, 


The best way would be defining the modules/functions you'd like to use in the Financials ERP company. This would be beneficial for both parties to be certain about what is the desired flow in the UI and then the applicability via the API can be checked based on this structure. 

We're unable to advise you on how you should build this flow in the Financials UI, as it's mentioned, it'd be more accurate if you consult this with ERP side since we can help you more with the API side.


At this point we'd recommend you discussing this with the Financials ERP Customer / their ERP consultant or the ERP Support to establish the flow and get recommendations about what modules are available and can serve the purpose of your requested processes. Once this has done, then the related API endpoints can be assessed. 


@Daanensing_Lucanet wrote:

We would like to extract the balance per account (e.g. 1300  Debiteuren) per Debtor for the beginning of a certain year. 

Apart from,

  • GeneralLedgerTransactions
  • GeneralLedgerBalanceV2

- Customer Balance (Does not contain Year Filter / Year Information)




and it sounds like you'd like to receive information as per the following Report available in the Financials ERP UI which is called as Customer Details (ScreenId=AR402000)



but unfortunately, this screen is not exposed via the API at the moment. So if this is the data what you'd like to fetch then you can crease an Improvement Request in the "Ideas" section of the community which can be reviewed by the development team for the implementation.