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Error in subaccount validation

by JohanFriedrichsen

I've read previous posts about problems with subaccounts but it seems that a validation error has returned?


1. The segmented key SUBACCOUNT is configured to "Allow Adding New Values On The Fly"

2. The first segment is set to be validated and the configured values are 0 and 1


3. Configured segment values




On a stock item it is possible to manually set "Sales Sub" to for example "1-55" without any problem.


If we try to create a sales order the above item without specifying the subaccount in the payload the following error is received: "Subaccount segment values not found: SegmentId: 2 and Value 55"


If we try to create a sales order and the payload specifies: "subaccount":{ "1":"1", "2":"55") then we get another error: "The value '55' is not valid for SegmentId 2". Same meaning but different wording.


If 55 is added as a values for segment 2 then it will work so it seems that the subaccount values are validated via the v3 API even if the segmented key doesn't specify validation and should accept values on the fly.