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Error redeeming code: invalid_tenant / no description

by Gert-Jan van der Kamp (Updated ‎05-10-2023 14:59 by Gert-Jan van der Kamp )



The authentication against with Authorization Code flow returns an error:

Error redeeming code: invalid_tenant / no description


It worked fine just an hour ago, don;t think we changed anything. 


Below is the return URI with the code, it seems to happen in exchanging the code for the token. 

Not sure what the tenant would be? Tried another Visma organization and got the same error. 






by Gert-Jan van der Kamp

Hi we just started having this issue again. We'll wait for it to pass but hopefully you can see something in the logs on why this happens? 

Client id is isv_xlconnect.


Rgds Gert-Jan

by Gert-Jan van der Kamp

Hi our users still can't log in, please respond. Is the authority having an issue, do we need to adopt some changes? 


Can you still see the tenant under "My Applications" -> "Integreations" -> "Customers" in the developerPortal?

Does the user in question have the "Api user" role?

by Gert-Jan van der Kamp (Updated ‎06-10-2023 11:21 by Gert-Jan van der Kamp )

That says 'No Tenant'

Users had the role and it worked until yesterday, I checked three different organizations they all have this error now, seems unlikely they would all have removed that role..


Never looked there before, can't say if that had tenants earlier. 


Check with the customers if the rights in the appstore have been revoked. A user with the "integration administrator" role needs to approve the app to allow it to connect to their company.

Accepted solution
Gert-Jan van der Kamp

Ok issue seems to have resolved itself, all logins work again.