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Jeroen Bijl

Fetch attachementId from Journal Transactions

by Jeroen Bijl


I am attempting to fetch attachements based on Journal Transactions. 
Using the CustomerInvoice endpoint I can verify the attachements are there, and the endpoint returns expected values. 


However, when using:

 For the same period, the attachement data is not present. I have tried with expandAttachements=true and false, but there is no attachement data. 



Looking at the swagger documentation there should be attachement data on both the Journal Transaction level and Journal Transaction Line. 


Anyone using attachement info from journal transactions? or have an idea why I can't get the data?


Jeroen Bijl

by Jeroen Bijl

Attachments aren't linked to the journal transaction, in my test data they are only connected to an invoice. So the above results make sense.

But I do have a follow-up issue. I am attempting to replicate the "View Source Document" functionality form the ui. Fetch the attachment linked to a journal transaction. Anyone have a good idea how to achieve that?

Journal Transaction has a referenceNumber, but this is not a param on CustomerInvoice/SupplierInvoice. I could fetch all for the given financial period and select the one with a matching ref number. Select Customer/Supplier based on the journal transaction module, but I hope there is a better way.

I could also check NumberSequence to attempt to figure out if a referenceNumber is a Bill or an Invoice, but seeing as the sequences can overlap this doesn't seem ideal either. 

Any tips are most welcome