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How to add Authorize App button in Visma App Store application

by jackmonto

Hi Team, 

I have created an application in Visma app store. We have integrated ERP Interactive API which requires authorisation by Tenant.

Link to app is

I wonder how can I add button in the page itself so that tenants can allow us to access their data.
Information about application:

  • I have set 1 price that is of free tier.
  • I have some text in Activate service now section, but I did not find a way to add button there.

This is where I am creating the application.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 10.24.17.png



by jackmonto

Hi Yıldırım,

To add more context, I created this application as service application initially but changed to web based application later on. Could this have some impact?


by Yıldırım

Hi, to be able to clarify what is exactly wrong, I'd recommend you following the Step 1 to 3 from the documentation. 
Getting started with Visma Developer Portal 


by jackmonto

Hi again,

Thank you for your reply, however if I don't have tenant connected I am getting error when trying to fetch access token based on the authorisation code received in oAuth2 flow.

I am getting this as response with status code 400.

Curl Request:

--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data 'grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=https://localhost/connections/visma_net/callback&code=<code_received>&client_id=<my_client_id>&client_secret=<my_secret>'

Is there something missing in my end. I am sure I was able to get access token when I connected customer via invite link earlier.

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎07-11-2023 16:01 by Yıldırım VISMA )


that is only available for service-to-service integrations. User based integrations depends on user roles there's no need to "authorize app" by an Integration administrator. The authorization is based on user (that "authorizes" the app) roles.

You should implement the "authorization_code" flow  as "swagger-ui" for instance.
if you look at that, for interactive API, you have the user based authorization.

Any user with API user role on a tenant can "authorize" any app to access the data through the interactive API.