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Inventory adjustments/issues adding date problem

by thingsio

We are working with inventory issues and we want to add a date. We have discovered that there doesn't seem to be a way to add this date. 


For inventory it is really important to see change dates in the inventory.


Any ideas/suggestions?


by Yıldırım (Updated ‎13-06-2023 17:15 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hello, the available endpoint for the Inventory Adjustment is Integrations Documentation.jpg

and this is corresponding with the Inventory > Adjustments Module <ScreenId=IN303000>



So you can check the Adjustment module in the Financials ERP UI and review the Endpoint documentation to find out which field you'd like to interact with.


by thingsio



We use and the following data according to the documentation:


    "issueLines": [{
        "tranType": {
        "warehouseId": {
        "lineNumber": {
        "inventoryNumber": {
        "quantity": {
        "uom": {
        "reasonCode": {
        "date": {
For any logistics company it is really important to be able to see a date when an Inventory issue is changed.
Can we get back to the original problem? How can we change the inventory by using the API and also show a date when that is done?
Cheers and thanks!

by Yıldırım

Hi, could you show us the field by adding a print screen taken from the Financials ERP UI ?  


by thingsio


This is one of the places. I also talked to another company developing with Visma and they also told me you cannot fill the date field. It's important to see a date when we substracted stock by using the api.


I think there was an earlier forum item also referring to this.

by Yıldırım

Hello, what is this report ? Please share the screenID. If the field referred is available in the Inventory Adjustment panel itself, please specify it from the module. 



by thingsio

Hi Yildirim,


Thanks for your quick reply, the screenid is IN402000


Overall we are wondering if we use the API to adjust inventory and also supply a date where can we find the date?


On this screen the date isn't showing.


As said, we also asked another certified develop that developed something for us and they also don't know how to supply the date for inventory adjustments. We provide the date but cannot find it anywhere.


You great help is really appreciated.


What exactly do you mean by " If the field referred is available in the Inventory Adjustment panel itself, please specify it from the module. "