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Kanyar Mahmoud

Issues not automatically released through API

by Kanyar Mahmoud



We have a customer that uses an integration between their webshop and ERP. As you can see in the attachment, the issues (IN3020PL) that are created by the integration user (created through the API) does not automatically get released, like the ones created manually by the user Anne. 


This was a known issue last month that got fixed, but it seems like it still occurs when using the API. This is a problem because they have to manually release these or their inventory will not be accurate. 




Accepted solution

by Yıldırım

Hello, due to the high load that we're experiencing in the related module's backlog this case is still pending for the fix. We'll keep you informed of any changes as we receive further information from the development team.

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎26-11-2020 14:08 by Yıldırım VISMA )


can you please elaborate the process behind "automatically get released" and share information about how those "Issues" are created (What are the steps followed) ? 

Kanyar Mahmoud

There are settings in SO101000 that decide if issues automatically gets updated or if you manually have to update them. As you can see in the attachment this is set to automatically.


An issue is created at different times based on the settings you use. In this case the issue is created when an invoice goes from status balanced to open. These invoices are related to a sales order or shipment. When the invoice status changes to open, the issue is created and automatically gets released based on the settings in SO101000. The issue essentialy releases the stock items from the inventory. 


So the problem here is when the API is used to do this process, the issues do not automatically release. When done from the UI manually by a user it isn't a problem. However this was a known problem 2 patches ago, but has been fixed. 


Hopefully you understand the problem a bit better 🙂

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎26-11-2020 16:18 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Thank you for the clarification đź™‚

After doing some testing to confirm, we've seen that calling release operation for Sales Document (Logistic/Sales Customer Invoice : SO3030PL) via API does not automatically release related Inventory Issue although SalesOrderPreferences > Posting Settings > Automatically Release Inventory Documents set True. 

Sales Order Preferences: SO101000

API Output: 





UI Output:
2020-11-26 15_50_39-Window.png






@Kanyar Mahmoud wrote:
However this was a known problem 2 patches ago, but has been fixed. 

This is not to our knowledge, we don't see any relevant case in our logs for Visma.Net ERP API that has been reported & fixed before. Please share any reference that we might have missed.

However, this has now been registered as a bug and conveyed to the team. More information will be provided as they become available.


Thank you for reporting this issue.