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Missing response posting SalesOrder

by Steinar Møller

We have discovered for the last couple of month that we more and more often missing response data when Salesorder are posted. We are posting to both V2/SalesOrder and V1/salesOrder, the same issue for both.

We expect to get 201 within 100 sec. When this is not happening we try to post again and then getting "object reference not set". In all this cases, salesorder has been successfully posted. 


What is the reason for this?


by Magnus Johnsen


We have increased the capacity of the servers handling the API traffic and the response time should now be far less and no longer be an issue.
We are still investigating the root cause of the increase in response time and will still be monitoring this.
Please let us know if you are still having the same issue with:

  • Timeouts
  • Missing response
  • Connection closed

Thank you!

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎23-08-2021 14:33 by Yıldırım VISMA )



Endpoint does not return any information about the creation in the response body, but the HTTP Response Code as "201" and the "location" in the Response Headers, which is indicating the newly created object's URI.

@Steinar Møller wrote:

We expect to get 201 within 100 sec.

Transaction sometimes may take longer than 100 sec. depending on the Request Body - Datasize, so please consider extending the time if you're flushing the connection before waiting the response from the server.


@Steinar Møller wrote:

When this is not happening we try to post again and then getting "object reference not set". In all this cases, salesorder has been successfully posted. 

SalesOrder Endpoints (V1 & V2) return "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error if there is already a SalesOrder with the same type and the same Number exist in the Financials ERP. (We have a case registered in our backlog to improve the error message returned when orderNumber conflicts.)


There must have been some changes from the API side, since this has started to be a problem for the last two months. Orders missing response for the mostly contains 2-4 lines, datasize should not be the problem. 
It is not very acceptable that orders with 2 lines uses more than 100 sek to get response.  There will be problems to extending the time, related to use and hold og connections.


by Yıldırım (Updated ‎24-08-2021 10:53 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Could you elaborate on "Orders missing response" ? 


Since the error of OrderNumber collision returned after your re-post shows that documents have been created,  2 Lines SalesOrder should not take longer than 100 seconds, so this should not be the case, but checking HTTP Response Code and the Location header is the recommended way of following the transaction results.  


by andreasaulin (Updated ‎24-08-2021 13:34 by andreasaulin )

No response means that we dont get a 201 (or any other response) back within 100 seconds.


No response code is returned, no header is returned within 100 seconds even for small orders. This does not happen all the time, but it has increased the last couple of months. 

We cant see any times of the day or days of week it happens more often than others. It can happen at 4 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon.

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎24-08-2021 15:36 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Thank you for the information.


This needs a further investigation, to be able to do that we need to catch the transaction in our logs ,therefore, please contact us at informing about your API client_id , POST URL, timespan of the transaction when it happens again.


by andreasaulin

Mail sent

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎25-08-2021 09:31 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Thanks. Please send your API Client_ID as well.