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POST SmallBalanceWo payload

by jnemo

Hi all


I'm wondering how to post SBWOs to the API. Tried with various payloads, but haven't gotten it to work.


Intended result:

SBWO with Code 15 against an CustomerInvoice



	"type": { "value": "SmallBalanceWo" },
	"applicationDate": { "value": "2022-10-24T11:49:39.5783663+00:00" },
	"customer": { "value": "08809204" },
	"paymentAmount": { "value": 3000 },
	"invoiceText": { "value": "SBWO Test" },
	"paymentLines": [
			"balanceWriteOff": {"value": 3000 },
			"writeOffReasonCode": {"value": "15" },
			"operation": "Insert",
			"documentType": {"value": "Invoice" },
			"refNbr": {"value": "000156920" },
			"amountPaid": {"value": 3000 }

 There's a bunch of fields here that may not be necessary. I've tried removing some, but I'm currently stuck on this error:


Error creating payment Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: format

There's no mention of "format" in Swagger. I've tried including it in various places, but no success.


Does anyone have a sample payload that works?


by Yıldırım (Updated ‎26-10-2022 11:11 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Hello again, we've been informed that by the ERP Team, write-off documents should be created in the screenID=AR505000 and the documents created can be seen under screenID=AR302000 (Bound CustomerPayment Endpoint). 


However, since that document type exposed via POST Customer Payment Endpoint, that has been escalated to the development team to be reviewed to conclude whether this is a bug. Accordingly, we're expecting to receive information on how that ERP logic should be reflected to the API so that we'll be able to inform you.   


by jnemo (Updated ‎26-10-2022 11:28 by jnemo )

Thanks for following up on this. In our case AR505000 is not good enough; our selection criteria is too complicated and the volume is way to large to be done manually. Which means we either have to run it against the API, or do the selection and then import it as a job in Financials which produced the same error.


We're probably gonna run out of time on this one, so we're gonna do PlanB and use specially marked CreditNotes instead. But would ofc be nice to have a clarification from the dev team 🙂

by Yıldırım

Hello jnemo, 


we've received information from the development team that, write-off documents should be created in the screenID=AR505000 so that API is therefore not capable to handle this operation and returning the same error message. 


We've registered this case to improve the error message and updating the documentation accordingly.

by Yıldırım

Hello, we receive the same error message when we try to create a Balance Write-off document in the Financials ERP UI.
Customer payments.jpg
We've informed the ERP team so that we'll inform you as soon as we receive information.