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SO V3 inventory - availabilityLastModifiedDateTime

by Trygve Storrønningen1 (Updated ‎07-08-2023 11:42 by Trygve Storrønningen1 PARTNER )

Hi, for stock import from inventory V3 we need the filters availabilityLastModifiedDateTime and availabilityLastModifiedDateTimeCondition implemented. 


Are there any plans for when it will be implemented? Is it on the list?


by Magnus Johnsen


We have opened a case with the development team and will inform you when we have more information.

Thank you. 

Hi, any news on this? This is high priority for us to be able to offer our customers more updated stock, without spamming your API with frequent requests returning big amount of data.


We've asked the team for an update, we'll inform you as soon as we have an answer.