to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
I'm trying to locate the value for the 'Soort' field in a transactionV2 call, but I cannot find the field or any reference to the field in the JournalTransactionsV2 endpoint:
The only options I can think of right now are the [CreateVatTransaction] and [SkipVatAmountValidation] but they dont seem to make sense to me.
Hello Jasper,
The "Batch Type" field that you're referring to (JT/ GL) is specified by the system automatically therefore cannot be modified by the user.
"Batch Type" field that is visible in the JT/GL list view isn't currently exposed via the GET JournalTransactionV2 Endpoint, therefore, If it's needed, please create a post in the "Ideas" part of the forum. This will be allowing other users to vote for your implementation suggestion and will be affecting the assessment process of the development team.
A general ledger batch (JT) can be one of the following types:
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