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Supplier invoice attachments in random order

by jbrl

Adding attachments to supplier invoices via POST to the /controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/{invoiceNumber}/attachment results in added attachments end up in random order in VismaNet.


For instance, as a test 6 consecutive POST requests were made adding attachments 1.pdf through 6.pdf to a specific supplier invoice. On querying the API, the supplier invoice JSON "attachments" section contains the 6 attachments, but in the following order: 4.pdf, 2.pdf, 6.pdf, 1.pdf. 5.pdf, 3.pdf. This order is also consistent with the order of attachments in the UI.

How can I add attachments to a supplier invoices and make sure the attachments end up in anpredictable order?


by Oskar Jansson

Hi, since the API is working the same way as it is manually in the Visma Net UI, it isn't an API issue. If you want changes, the ERP system itself needs to be updated.

I suggest submitting a "Förbättringsförslag" on the Visma Net forum: (not in the Developer