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Suppliers location

by KonsultVn



How do we obtain the payment information for a supplier that has multiple locations and determine which of the payment details belongs to which location? 


We have tried this for three different suppliers and retrieve different results. 

In the first case, we have supplier A where there are two locations where one of them is inactive; the output is that we get results for both locations.

We got the same results again for this supplier even if both locations were active. 


In the second case, we tried retrieving information from supplier B that has two locations, both of them are active. The result is that we only get the information for what is set to be the "primary location".


In the third case, we tried retrieving information from supplier C that has three locations where two are active, and one is inactive. The result is that we only get the information for what is set to be the "primary location".


In all of these cases the information that is set as 'Primary' is the same information that we see under 'General information'.




by KonsultVn

Hello, have you looked into it? 

by Magnus Johnsen


The only payment method that is returned using the supplier endpoint is the one set under the suppliers "payment settings".

The supplierLocation endpoint does not return this information either.

If this is functionality that you need, we would recommend that you create a post in the "Ideas" part of the forum. 

Setting the correct paymentMethod on each location should allow you to not have to specify what payment method you want to use.

by Magnus Johnsen


We'll look into this and get back to you.