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Time-out in supplierInvoice endpoint

by gerrit_deglee

We had a difference in number of records in our DWH and those reported in the totalCount of the supplierInvoice endpoint, so we tried a full load.

We are experiencing frequent time-out errors on the supplierInvoice endpoint when doing this.


The request is in the form:


Usually the timeout occurs on page 6 or 7

Is there a problem with the endpoint? Anything we can do to speed this up? I've tried reducing the pageSize to 100, but that does not help a lot.

Thanks, Gerrit


by Magnus Johnsen


What status code are you getting in your response?

Do you have timestamps for the timeout?

Could you please send us your ipp-company ID as well as your client ID?

Thank you. 

Not applicable

by Anonymous (Updated ‎04-11-2021 16:59 ( )

Hello Magnus,

We're facing the same issue for the same problem, trying to retrieve all supplier invoice data from 1st of Jan 2021. Tried both with lastModifiedDateTime and createdDateTime (2021-01-01). Managed to retrieve first 4 pages with 1000 results each, but afterwards no request seems to go through. Changed page number and size, but no difference.

In swagger, after 30 minutes, the request throws 

{"ExceptionType":"","ExceptionMessage":"Connection Timeout. ","ExceptionFaultCode":"5538","ExceptionMessageID":"5538_18e595f0-de2a-4106-8f82-46b3ce9d54a7","ExceptionDetails":""}

with Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Same result through api calls. 

ipp-company-id: 747313


Could you explain how can I retrieve these results?


Thank you,



by Magnus Johnsen


Could you please send us an email to, with the following information:

API Client_Id

Timestamps of requests

Full URL used


Please also retry the operation now,  so that we have fresh entries in the logs.

Thank you. 


This is for company 1939930. The client_id is cpm4care_auth_prod_a2ost70wv1
The error occurred just now at:

12:22:36.257 and retried at 12:28:41.301 and 12:34:51.337

I don't have a statuscode. I assume it times out on our end after 6 minutes.

by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎21-09-2021 14:20 by Magnus Johnsen VISMA )

We'll have a look at get back to you.

We can see that the request timed out, could you try getting the same page/pagesize again?

Does it always happen on page 6 or 7?

What we can see is that you made 14 calls for page 6, of which 1 failed on our end the last 24 hours.

Apart from this, we would recommend that you use the lastModifiedDateTime parameter to only get the records that have been changed since the time you last got the invoices.

Thank you. 


by JoLu


We are also experiencing big issues with this endpoint, among others, when we fetch more than a couple of pages. This happens for more than one company and mostly when we do the first retrieval of invoices. Do you have any info about when this will be fixed since as of now we can't really use it?


Best regards


by Magnus Johnsen


We are currently gathering more information to be able to investigate this, please send an email to with the following information:

API Client_Id

Timestamps of requests

Full URL used

Please also describe when this happens, is it always on the same page or is it just in general when you try to get multiple pages?

Thank you. 


by JoLu

Hi again,


Is there a way to get around this issue in some way until you have found the problem, according to the documentation it is not possible to filter the fetching by financial period or creation date ranges but maybe there are some not documented way of doing this? Using lastModifiedDateTime isn't really an option when you try to get the complete set of data since that doesn't support range either.


Best regards



by JoLu

I have sent an e-mail with additional info.


Best regards



I've restarted and see a timeout on page 5 at 14:51:52, but that loads succesfully on second attempt. Page 6 times out at 15:02:22, 15:08:27 and 15:14:37. Our procedure gives up after three failed attempts. Normally we only load modified records since last load, but because we had a mismatch in number of records between the DWH and the reported totalcount we wanted to refresh our DWH. That is when we started seeing the timeouts.

Not applicable

by Anonymous

Hello Gerrit,

I'm still waiting for Visma to offer some insight into this, but I'm wondering if you managed to bypass these timeouts in any way. I see you have similar issues with other endpoints as well.

Thank you,



by gerrit_deglee

Hi Bogdan, to be honest we stopped using this particular endpoint, so I have no work around. The issue with the journaltransaction endpoint is only at a particular customer. We do not see this at other customers.
