to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
We are facing issue, Connect app setup with 180days expiration. That means refresh token remain same upto 180 days. After completing 180 days all API getting "invalid_grant". Also entry removed from My details > Access token list.
How can we handle this case without involving end user for reauth everything?
If the refresh token has expired, you can request a new refresh token by using a POST request to the /connect/token endpoint.
Please review the āRefreshing Access Tokensā section on the following page:
Connect ecosystem Knowledge Base - Offline Access: Refreshing Access Tokens:
If this does not help, please provide more information, and I will assist you further.
Need to check at visma side, I have called connect/token API every 5 minutes before it getting expire of 1 hour.
No new refresh token get, this found on development and live app both.
This create serious issue of all users who already connected and now they need to re-authorize (consent flow) manually.
This solution also not works as expected. Upto 24 hours API giving new refresh token on every call. After 24hours it again got invalid.
This means every users need to re authenticate them self again every year.
We already following this.
We are sending
POST request on
with headers
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic base64_encode(client_id:client_secret)
With data
refresh_token=current saved refresh token
client_id=app client id
client_secret=app client secret
Every time getting same refresh token. When we get new refresh token after expiration or near to expiration?
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