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Steinar Møller

Updated inventory lastmodifydate

by Steinar Møller


We have an issue that all inventory in a client is updated with the same date and time availabilityLastModifiedDateTime. We can see that all 20896 items have the same date and time updated 25.01.2021 11:14:16
Then we get back from the API that all those item have new available quantity for update.
The customer have not done anything in the UI.

This is an issue since it takes a long time to update.

How can this happen?


by Magnus Johnsen


I'm not sure I'm getting what the issue is here. All items have been updated at the same time today and now they all have more qty on hand than before?

How are you comparing this?

Also, if you could specify the company-id we could have a look and see if we can see anything in the logs. 


All products have an updated lastModifiedDateTime on the warehouseDetails even though the customer has not updated the inventory.


Almost 21 000 products updated the same second should not be possible, and at least not when the customer has not done anything.

CompanyId: 2195430


by Yıldırım

Is there any Automation schedule set in the ScreenId=SM205030 ? or does the customer have Import / Export Scenarios for the Inventories / Mass Process ? 

Steinar Møller

Hi, there are no Automation schedule that affect stock, it's just for sending e-mail, sending to Autoinvoice, updating and sending invoices. 
There are nor any import/export scenarios that have run today.  

Steinar Møller

New info from customer, they have another integration against Feed a PIM vendor, maybe their integration is affecting this?   
I suppose you see other calls against their client from your side.

There does not seem to be any info PUT around that time, and the only PUT's we're seeing are for the shipping endpoint. 

Steinar Møller

Do you have any status on how to find out what is happening with this issue?


Steinar Møller

Now we having the same issue, all items have lastModifyDateTime, under Warehousdetails in Inventory endpoint. There are just some few updates done last 24 hours and have not been any update from other API calls or import scenarios. 
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-04-20T15:52:10.143"

In UI there are just normal changes last 24 hours for inventory, issues, receipt, adjustment are just around 50 changes. 

Will you please look into this for investigating how the timestamp on every items are exactly the  same timestamp. We can not see that this is possible via API or import.


Hi Steinar,

We have relayed this information to the team investigating the issue.

Thank you.

Steinar Møller

Hi Magnus,
An input,  maybe this issue can be related to the update for ERP around this time?