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Jeroen Bijl

VAT data is not included on General Ledger transactions

by Jeroen Bijl


Ive read this old post:

and what other posts I found regarding VAT. However Im struggling to figure out a "good"(any way really) way to get VAT data for all journal transactions. Our integration is going to be used for a wide variety of customers, so making the accountants check the "make a VAT transaction" manually is not an option. 

Is there a proper way to fetch this data these days? 

Doing a manual export I get VAT data, but the api call to f.ex API/controller/api/v2/journaltransaction/{voucherNumber} does not include the VAT data on the same line. In the api call I can see:

"createVatTransaction": false,
"skipVatAmountValidation": false,
But there is VAT data there on the manual export. How do I get it? And how can it be done with as little overhead as possible? 

Jeroen Bijl

by Jeroen Bijl

Bumping this, it's a blocker for our integration