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Visma.Net updated today?

by adrianm

The Swagger page now says

Last release notes I can find in 9.30.0


The swagger page works as usual for me but my colleagues get a new layout with the new tenant-id authentication.



by adrianm

Clearing cookies solved it. Thanks for the quick response.


But I can't get the "Interactive API" working.

It just says "Access Denied. You do not have access to the selected company or to any companies for this application".


The "Service API" works for me.



by Magnus Johnsen


You now need to set the role "API user" on at least one company to be able to use the "interactive Api".

If it is not available in Visma.Net Admin on your company, please contact your partner service to enable the license.

When set, you can use the Swagger ClientID in Swagger, it is possible to use on any company that you have the "api user" role for and is set up with all four scopes.

Please let us know if you are still having issues after this.


by Lindstromer

We're facing the same issue, where it doesn't allow us to log in via Swaggers Authenticate-method anymore. If we use the default client_id provided in Swagger, it shows "access denied" after logging in:


Access denied
You do not have access to the selected company or to any companies for this application

You are signed in as X (

If we use client id provided from before, it errors out before even showing the login page:



Something went wrong while processing your request.
We advise you to close the browser and try again later.

In case the problem persists, please contact your customer support and forward this error-ID c21e0a0a-b3b2-4c54-8c51-4724cc207425 so we can track the issue.



Any help would be deeply appreciated.


Please see the response above, please try this as well and let us know if you are still having issues:



You now need to set the role "API user" on at least one company to be able to use the "interactive Api". If it is not available in Visma.Net Admin on your company, please contact your partner service to enable the license. When set, you can use the Swagger ClientID in Swagger, it is possible to use on any company that you have the "api user" role for and is set up with all four scopes. Please let us know if you are still having issues after this. "



Thank you Magnus, it started working after adding the role via admin.


To be honest, it does seem like Visma needs to step up and have a more professional process when it comes to deploying new releases. Nothing is mentioned in release notes whatsoever about a new version of Swagger, how to fix access issues or even sending it out beforehand about the change. Would be great if that wasn't found out by posting on the forum and waiting 4 days.

Accepted solution

by adrianm

Ok, thanks.


Release notes does not mention Swagger changes.

Any clues why my colleagues get the new authentication swagger page and I don't?

(We use the same url)


Accepted solution
Magnus Johnsen

by Magnus Johnsen

We'll check why it wasn't mentioned in the release notes, clearing cookies should show you the new swagger authentication.

by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎03-02-2023 13:16 by Magnus Johnsen VISMA )


There was a release yesterday, release notes can be found here:

 [Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 9.32.0 - 02.02.2023