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Creating an account for new applicants

av Anonymous



We would like to know if it is possible for candidates to apply for a job on easycruit without creating an account? If possible, how can we disable this feature on our end?


Thank you, 


2 SVAR 2
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av Anonymous

 this has made me wonder about more things I would want to know about Accounting services

Godkänd lösning
Fredrika Demberg

av Fredrika Demberg

Hi Daniela,


Yes, it is possible! If you do not want candidates to be able to create an account when applying for a job, you need to make sure that you have not included the option in the application form that allows candidates to create an account (a username and password) when applying for the vacancy. The option is called "Login information - Username and password".


If you do not want to include the option in any application form, we can help you to remove the option completely from your EasyCruit. In that case, a system administrator in your EasyCruit needs to contact your local support.


Please find your local Visma EasyCruit support contact details in the link below:


Have a nice day!


Visma EasyCruit support

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