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Feature Request: Inventory Multicall

by plh
Status: In backlog

Hi Visma,


It is often our use-case that we need to display inventory details for a list of items, say from a order. 

An order contains 20 lines, we need to lookup information regarding those 20 items. 


Therefore we suggest that the inventory endpoint will be extended to allow for calls with multiple itemnumbers.


Simular to:



Hopefully giving us, the response of the set of X items faster than doing X calls to inventory.


This limitation is by far the largest issue we experience with the current API.



I am aware of the BATCH api, but it as bugs preventing us to use it.

(Also i assume that the BATCH api just replays all calls internally, therefore a proper multi itemnumber implementation in Inventory Endpoint I assume will respond faster)

by Trygve Storrønningen1

Multiple request for this over time now -- it's time to build this Visma 🙂

by Magnus Johnsen


There is currently a case in the backlog for this.

We have informed the developers that it has been requested again.

by plh

Any updates to this? 

We're having more customers with timeout/speed issues, because of calls to visma api. Calls that could have been one single call, that hopefully will be faster than doing individual 37 calls. 


by Magnus Johnsen


There has not been any news regarding this as of yet.

We will inform you when we have more details. 

by plh

Any updates to this? 

What shall i respond to the danish pilot customers complaining to me?


At least give me an estimate on delivery. I'd rather let them know, what to expect, is this due for 2020, 2021 or later?




by Magnus Johnsen


The case is currently pending. 

We have asked the team for an update, but until they have set an version for this we can't provide an ETA.

We will share details as soon as we have more information from the development team. 

If you have concerns or thoughts regarding the time frame, please get in contact with your partner service:
Contacting the Visma.Net ERP Support / Partner Service