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Order details in the shipment

by jelle_webcompany_nl
Status: New

We have the following case:


We retrieve shipments for a update towards a webshop to add the track and trace. 

when we retrieve a shipment we miss some vital information that is not passed within the file for example the order reference. this is needed to identify the order in the target system. as a feature request can you add a extention similiar to the expand warehouse detail on the inventory endpoint


Set to true to retrieve information about the warehouse connected to the item.

that would reduce the amount of calls and errors we have as also a customer ordertype is supported that can use a different endpoint.



if we retrieve shipments we get all the shipments including RMA. We now add a filter in our code to check on certain values. but it would be better to add a order type filtering in the endpoint to reduce the amount of calls we need to make.  similiar to the way the get salesorders work with 


Filter by Order type.