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Gabriel Acosta

Set "PrebookAcctID" & "PrebookSubID" when prebooking from API

by Gabriel Acosta (Updated ‎18-10-2023 11:45 by Gabriel Acosta )
Status: New
Today, when you register an prebooking, you only click on prebooking with the API and it is posted to an account and a subaccount that is always the same.
Above all in the construction industry, there are companies that need to be able to choose per invoice which account/code part they want to prebook on this invoice. This is not currently available in the API, but can be done manually in the system.
If this is prioritized and you manage to do this well, you will be able to be a strong player in the market to attract new customers in the construction industry. Others will also appreciate this solution. This means that your system will become more flexible when users want to make a so-called "pre-book".
See picture below for which fields are in Visma.
These are named APInvoice.PrebookAcctID and APInvoice.PrebookSubID.