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filtering on salesorders endpoint missing - this is showstopper to build MyPage

by Trygve Storrønningen1 (Updated ‎18-10-2024 13:05 by Trygve Storrønningen1 PARTNER )
Status: New

We are implementing full MyPage for our solutions with - and lookup of orders are of course important on /api/v3/SalesOrders
My colleagues ask me about filtering; and I realize now we miss the ability to search for orders or ranges of orders in a good way.
What data we have to lookup, can vary, and I think an approach  better for both you and ISVs would be an oData-like $filter=
It could be we wish to lookup orders created in spesifice time range, of different types, with some special reference, for one customer etc

In the near future it would also be important to be able to search after orders with specific details (eg. products) on orderLines, combined with filter on orderhead