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Digitaal tekenen van arbeidsovereenkomst (SLSR-I-521)

door Anonymous
Status: Bestaat al

Self-service currently forces the person who digitally signs an employment contract to have a role in the workflow. The person who signs will therefore receive all changes and the employment contract in 'To do'. It often happens that the control of an employment contract is done by a different official than the one who actually puts the digital signature. The person who puts the signature works from the tile 'Batch Sign'. The mutations to be checked in 'to do' are then experienced as a burden.

It would be nice if the perceived burden was removed by arranging that the person who draws no longer has to play a role in the workflow. 

3 Opmerkingen
Former Member
door Former Member
Hartelijk dank voor je idee. Het toegekende nummer is: SLSR-I-521
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door Anonymous

Hi Ramon,

Thank you so much for sending us your feedback! [emoticon:553c544a8fd541dc98cb5beb6a3756f7]
Is it possible for us to have an online discussion and for you to show me more in details the process described above?


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door Anonymous (Bijgewerkt ‎24-06-2022 17:19 ( )
Status changed to:

Hi Ramon

The person that needs to sign documents generated as part of a workflow doesn't  necessarily have to be responsible for a certain activity of that workflow. 
The employee that is responsible for the activity can send the documents for signing to any email address (even if they are not yet a user/ employee in HR Self Service).

I hope this helps, let me know if we should discuss more on this case.

Kind regards,