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E-sign document verzonden vanuit de WF ook als verzonden tonen in batch (SLSR-I-582)

door Anonymous
Status: Gerealiseerd

We use the batch to send bulk e-sign documents to the manager.

In the next step, the e-sign document is sent from the workflow to the employee.

In the batch, the document (sent from the WF) is not included in the sent documents. This is confusing and confusing.

We would like to see that when a document is sent (from batch and / or workflow) it is also shown as sent in the batch.

6 Opmerkingen
Former Member
door Former Member
Hartelijk dank voor je idee. Het toegekende nummer is: SLSR-I-582
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door Anonymous

Hi Samantha,

Thank you so much for your feedback, it's really useful for us. 

Since I'm reading an automatic translation (to English) of your feedback  - I want to make sure I understand the exact details of your case: when you send a document to be signed directly from the Workflow, it is then not visible on the "Batch Signing" page/ "Sent documents" tab?

If so, is the document visible on the "Batch Signing" page/ "Documents" or it's not there at all?

Depending on the size of the documents - it might take from a few seconds to 1-2 minutes for the documents to be sent and in that time the documents might still appear with the status "Not Sent" and therefore in the "Documents" tab. After that, they should move to the "Sent documents" tab.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

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door Anonymous

Hi Ana Maria,

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door Anonymous

Hi Ana Maria,

Thank you for your response.

When we send a document to be signed directly from the Workflow, it is visible on the "Batch Signing" page, but not in the sent document tab. It looks like it's not send to the employee yet (document tab). The time make no difference. Days after it's still not in the tab 'send document'.

Kind Regards,


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door Anonymous

Hi Samantha,

It means something went wrong with the sending process and that's why it still appears as Not sent. Please send me the customer name and mutation number to ana.maria.nichitelea@visma.com and we'll further look into it.

The expected behaviour of the system is to show in Batch Signing all documents related to e-Signing, the ones queued up to be sent and also the ones already sent (directly from the WF or from batch signing page).

We'll soon improve even more the Batch Signing page and you'll be able to see:

  • the details of the signing user (email & phone + date when it was sent) - this will make it easier for you to spot any probable mistakes in the email address or in the phone number
  • new status = "Sending" to show when documents are on their way to Intradata, but not completely Sent

Thank you! 

Kind regards,

Niet van toepassing
door Anonymous

Hi Ana Maria,

Ok thank you, i'll send you the details. I've made a incident call, but the Servicedesk told me that's the way it works and adviced me to make an idea, call: #17522333. The details are also in the call.

Kind Regards,
