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Extra stap (of andere oplossing) voor digitaal ondertekenen (SLSR-I-470)

door Anonymous
Status: Gerealiseerd

We use digital signatures in more and more workflows. We run into the problem that a mutation already goes to the next step in the workflow while the signature is still running. In our case, the next step is our service desk, which does another check, they have to try out in their to do list whether a mutation has already been signed and can therefore be processed further or not.   

I think the system is not working as you might expect. It is not feasible to try to reopen a transaction every day until the document has been signed once. The mutation should have a different status (sort of intermediate status, is up for signature), or at least unsigned mutations should be visible / filterable without having to click on the mutation.
We want to work with e-signing with more and more mutations, our service desk will soon have half a to do list that cannot be processed because it has not yet been signed.

5 Opmerkingen
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door Anonymous

Hoi Jasper, wat voor check doet jullie servicedesk? Wij volgen de status van de ondertekening via de Batch Signing tegel. Voordeel van dat de workflow een stap verder schiet, is dat terwijl de medewerker nog moet ondertekenen, de mutatie al richting Beaufort gaat en de daaraan gekoppelde systemen.

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door Anonymous

Bij bijvoorbeeld de indiensttreding, vult de recruiter basisgegevens in. De medewerker krijgt een mailtje om aan te vullen en tekent ook direct zijn contract. De servicedesk checkt daarna de aanvulling nog (bv. hebben ze de voornamen ingevoerd zoals op paspoort). Als de ondertekening op het eind zit is het inderdaad geen probleem.

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door Anonymous


Thank you for reaching out and providing feedback to us! [emoticon:553c544a8fd541dc98cb5beb6a3756f7]

We'll initially improve this area of the process by marking with a red flag in the "To do" list - the workflows that are waiting for a digital signature to happen. 
In this way, the user will be able to observe which ones are blocked without clicking on them.


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door Anonymous

Hi J. Spoelman,

Could you provide more details about the advantage of having the workflow one step forward: moving towards Beaufort and associated systems?

What if (for example) the document will not be signed and needs corrections? will that influence the fact that info has already been sent to connected systems?
I'm asking since we're also looking into the possibility of keeping the workflow in the current activity until the signature is done and only afterwards moving the workflow to the next activity.

It will be useful if you can send me your thoughts here or by email (ana.maria.nichitelea@visma.com).

Thank you.


Niet van toepassing
door Anonymous
Status changed to:

At the end of august 2020, we improved this area by marking with a red icon in the "To do" list - the workflows that are waiting for a digital signature to happen. In this way, the user is able to observe which ones are blocked without clicking on them.
In the future, we'll diversify the icons to not only show that the digital signature is pending but to also show if the signing is expired or rejected.

For the moment there will be no change in the workflow execution transitions, they will remain as they are.
