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Uitroepteken in HRSS bij digitale handtekening beter zichtbaar (SLSR-I-476)

door Former Member
Status: Gerealiseerd

In HRSS you can see by means of an orange exclamation mark that the document still has to be signed by a party. You can now only see this by clicking the plus sign. Every day you will have to click open the entire list of mutations to see if someone has already signed. It would be nice if the exclamation mark is directly visible in the HRSS to do screen

2 Opmerkingen
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door Anonymous

Hi Corina,

Thank you so much for sending us your feedback! [emoticon:553c544a8fd541dc98cb5beb6a3756f7]

We'll initially improve this area of the process by marking with a red flag in the "To do" list - the workflows that are waiting for a digital signature to happen. 

In this way, the user will be able to observe which ones are blocked without needing to click on them.

This improvement will be released to production next week! Please follow our release news section to get news about our releases as they happen: link


door Christiaan Sluis
Status changed to: Status: Gerealiseerd

In het kader van het opschonen van de ideeën zodat we een beter beeld krijgen bij de nog openstaande wensen, kan ik hier melden dat we al sinds enkele jaren een rood driehoekje hebben toegevoegd in de Te Doen lijst om dit te verduidelijken:
