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Learning Domain model & field mapping
- 0 Antwoorden
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- 2491 Weergaven
Domain model
The Learning model
The personal details of an employee. This could also contains person without a (active) employment.
HR Core Beaufort: Persoon
id |
The globally unique id assigned to an employee |
32789 |
P01001 |
Persoonsnummer |
personCode |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
32789 |
P01001 |
Persoonsnummer |
personId |
The globally unique id assigned to an employee |
32789 |
P01001 |
Persoonsnummer |
initials |
The initials of the employee |
A.B. |
P00303 |
Voorletters |
firstNames |
The official given names of the employee |
Amy Beatrice |
P01002 |
Voornamen |
knownAs |
The name which is used by the employee as first name |
Amy |
P01003 |
Roepnaam |
lastNameAtBirth |
The last name at birth of the employee. Also known as the family name |
Vries |
P00301 |
Geboortenaam |
lastNameAtBirth Prefix |
The prefix of the employee's last name at birth |
de |
P00302 |
Geboortenaam voorvoegsels |
lastName |
The last name used by the employee at present |
Vries - Van Eijck |
P01008 |
Samengestelde naam |
lastNamePrefix |
The prefix of the employee's last name at present |
de |
P01009 |
Samengestelde naam voorvoegsel |
nameAssemble Order |
Code of the assemble order used by the core system for the last name. |
value E: birthname |
P00304 |
Gebruik achternaam |
partnerName |
The last name of the employee's partner |
Eijck |
P00390 |
Partner naam |
partnerName Prefix |
The prefix of the partner's last name |
Van |
P00391 |
Voorvoegsel partner |
titlePrefix |
Formal title prefix |
drs. |
P00305 |
Titulatuur voor de naam |
titleSuffix |
Formal title suffix |
Msc |
P03937 |
Titulatuur achter de naam |
gender |
Gender of the employee |
Female |
P00330 |
Geslacht |
dateOfBirth |
Date of birth |
1986-12-02 |
P00321 |
Geboorte datum |
deceased |
This field indicates if an employee is deceased when false the property is not returned |
true |
P01005 |
Datum overlijden |
UserUID |
Digital Identity of the user from the portal |
bdd38fd2-FAKE-4313-FAKE-671c786d0758 |
Ping ID directly from the portal |
youforceAccount |
Indicaties if the person do have a user account |
J |
P15013 |
Youforce gebruiker |
phoneNumbers |
List of phone numbers and types |
Home |
+3188 123 45 67 |
P01027 |
Telefoonnummer woonadres |
Business |
+3188 345 67 89 |
P01037 |
Telefoonnummer werk |
Mobile |
+316 12 34 56 78 |
P01036 |
Telefoonnummer mobiel |
emailAddresses |
List of email addresses of the employee |
Business |
b.user@example.com |
P01035 |
E-mail adres werk |
Private |
p.user@example.com |
P01034 |
E-mail adres privé |
Addresses |
List of addresses |
type |
Home |
street |
Kerkstraat |
P01014 |
Straat |
houseNumber |
1 |
P01016 |
Huisnummer |
houseNumber Addition |
C |
P01018 |
Huisnummer toevoeging |
postalCode |
1234 AB |
P01020 |
Postcode |
city |
Amersfoort |
P01022 |
Woonplaats |
country |
NL |
P01024 |
Woonland |
effectiveDate |
2023-08-01 |
P01012 |
Adres m.i.v. |
type |
Postal |
street |
Poststraat |
P00365 |
Straatnaam |
houseNumber |
1 |
P00367 |
Huisnummer |
houseNumber Addition |
A |
P00368 |
Huisnummer toevoeging |
postalCode |
1234 AB |
P00313 |
Postcode |
city |
Amersfoort |
P00308 |
Plaatsnaam |
country |
NL |
P00847 |
Land |
effectiveDate |
2023-08-01 |
P00847 |
Adres m.i.v. |
The employment of the employee. A person can have multiple employments at the same time.
HR Core Beaufort: Dienstverband
employmentCode |
The code of the employment |
1 |
P01101 |
Volgnummer dienstverband |
originalHireDate |
The first hire date or original hire date of an employee within the organization. This date is important for the tenure or working anniversary of an employee |
2010-10-01 |
P00834 |
Datum in dienst CAO |
dischargeDate |
The end date or discharge date of the employment. This is always an "up to and including" date. In case of no values the field will not be returned as part of te response body |
2018-12-31 |
P00830 |
Datum uitdienst |
hireDate |
Date of hire for the employment |
2017-05-01 |
P00322 |
Datum in dienst |
classification |
Cost allocation of the employment |
123 |
P01110 |
Code doelgroep |
employmentType |
Code of the employment type |
4 |
P01102 |
Soort arbeidsrelatie |
contractType |
Contract type of the employee. It is the code that refers to the entity contract type. |
0 |
P08259 |
Code contract (on)bepaalde tijd |
workingAmount |
Working amount of the employment. |
amountOfWork: numeric value representing the work amount |
P01109 |
Uren per week |
unitOfWork: unit of work that specifies the unit for the amount |
Hours |
P01109 |
Uren per week |
periodOfwork: indicates the period for which amountOfWork and unitOfWork are defined |
-Day |
P01109 |
Uren per week |
jobProfile |
The job profile code |
9909 DEV |
P01107 |
Primaire functie |
organizationUnit |
The organization unit id |
1234567 ZKH |
P01106 |
Hiërarchisch organisatorische eenheid |
Payroll Client Code |
P01103 |
CEA-nummer |
Payroll Institution Code |
P01104 |
Instelling nummer |
Company |
PayrollClientCode and PayrollInsituationCode combined |
Termination Reason |
P01113 |
Reden einde dienstverband |
bigNumber |
P09165 |
Big nummer |
Het endpoint employments toont bovenstaande velden met de in Beaufort geldende actuele waarden.
Het endpoint employments/Timelines is gebaseerd op de historie tabel van Beaufort waardoor het endpoint de ingangsdatum bevat en indien aanwezig de einddatum. Het endpoint bevat dezelfde velden als het endpoint employments maar dus ook inclusief ingangsdatum waardoor er een soort tijdlijn ontstaat.
Indien gewenst, gebruik het filter ValidOn om enkel de records te verkrijgen die op een bepaalde datum geldig zijn.
The possible assignments of an employee for their employment. In example, employee works is assigned to a different department as temporary replacement or to help another department without changing his own employment.
HR Core Beaufort: Inzet
id |
Unique id of the role assignment. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. |
100 1 12 1234 20200923 |
system field |
Unique id of the assignment |
personCode |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
32789 |
P01001 |
Persoonsnummer |
personId |
The globally unique id assigned to an employee |
32789 |
P01001 |
Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode |
The code of the employment of the person |
1 |
P01101 |
Volgnummer dienstverband |
startDate |
The start date of the assignments |
2017-05-01 |
P01125 |
Ingang inzet |
endDate |
The end date of the assignment. This is always an "up to and including" date. In case of no values the field will not be returned as part of te response body |
2017-11-30 |
P01126 |
Einde inzet |
jobProfile |
Job title or job profile code of the assignment. |
P01122 |
Operationele functie |
organizationUnit |
The organization unit id of the assignment. |
PD |
P01121 |
Operationele organisatorische eenheid |
workingAmount |
Working amount of the employment.. |
amountOfWork: numeric value representing the work amount |
P01123 |
Uren inzet per week |
unitOfWork: unit of work that specifies the unit for the amount |
Hours |
P01123 |
Uren inzet per week |
periodOfwork: indicates the period for which amountOfWork and unitOfWork are defined |
Week |
P01123 |
Uren inzet per week |
costCenter |
The cost center of a Assignment |
P01128 - Kostenplaats Inzet |
costUnit |
The cost unit of an Assignment |
P01129 - Kostendrager Inzet |
costType |
The cost type of an Assignment |
P01127 - Kostensoort Inzet |
type |
Type of assignment |
P01123 - Soort Inzet |
Cost allocation
The cost allocation of an employee. The cost allocations are generated by Beaufort. An employee can multiple cost allocations. Mostly the cost allocation with sequence number 0 or the one with the highest percentages is the main cost allocation.
HR Core Beaufort: Loonverdeling
id |
Unique id of the cost allocation. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. |
32789 1 0 |
system field |
Unique id of the assignment |
PersonCode |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
32789 |
Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode |
The code of the employment of the person |
1 |
Dienstverband volgnummer |
sequenceNumber |
Unique sequence number or row number of the cost allocation within the employee |
0 |
P01131 |
regelnummer loonverdeling |
costTypeCode |
code of the cost type |
4004 |
P01133 |
Kostensoort loonverdeling |
CostTypeName |
full name of the cost type |
Loonkosten |
Omschrijving kostensoort (referentie tabel) |
costCenterCode |
code of the cost center |
4000 |
P01134 |
Kostenplaats loonverdeling |
costCenterName |
full name of the cost center |
KNO Operaties |
Omschrijving kostenplaats (referentie tabel) |
costUnitCode |
code of the cost unit |
4100 |
P01135 |
Kostendrager loonverdeling |
costUnitName |
full name of the cost unit |
Omschrijving kostendrager (referentie tabel) |
percentage |
percentage of the cost allocation |
100 |
P01132 |
loonverdeling loonverdeling |
Organization Units
The organization structure describes the organization in terms of business unit, departments, divisions, etc. and how these are related to each other. Based on the organization structure it's clear “how” units are related and "which" department is responsible for "what".
HR Core Beaufort: Organisatie eenheden
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Data niet beschikbaar in de API |
validUntil |
The date from which the record is no longer valid. Will contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
2020-05-01 9999-12-31 |
N/A |
Data niet beschikbaar in de API |
id |
Unique id of the organization unit |
PD |
P01061 |
Code organisatorische eenheid |
shortName |
Code or short name of the Organization Unit |
PD |
P01061 |
Code organisatorische eenheid |
fullName |
Name or full title of the Organization Unit |
Product Development |
Naam organisatorische eenheid |
parentOrgUnit |
Code of the parent organization unit |
Organisatie eenheid > Onderdeel van |
organizationUnitType |
Type of organization unit |
Divisie |
Type organisatorische eenheid |
isBlocked |
True/false |
Deze indicatie wordt gebruikt om aan te geven dat er geen nieuwe medewerkers meer op de organisatie eenheid mogen worden geplaatst. De indicatie IsBlocked wil dus niet zeggen dat er geen medewerkers meer aan gekoppeld zijn. |
Address |
Adres-velden bij de OE. |
PhoneNumber |
Telefoonnummer bij de OE. |
CostCenterCode |
Kostenplaatscode behorend bij de OE. |
Role Assignments
The role assignment describes "who" is responsible for “what“ and “when“ within the organization unit.
HR Core Beaufort: Rol toewijzing
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
validUntil |
The date from which the record is no longer valid. Will contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
2020-05-01 9999-12-31 |
id |
Unique id of the role assignment. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. |
R1 - N/A BO4 - 78000 1877 MGR 20200101 |
Id van het record |
personId |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
10017 |
Persoonsnummer van de houder van de rol |
organizationUnit |
The organization unit id of the assignment. |
459 |
Code van organisatorische eenheid |
shortName |
The code of the role |
Code van de rol |
personCode |
The code of the person |
12345 |
Persoonsnummer van de houder van de rol (gelijk aan personID) |
startDate |
Start date of role assignment |
2013-04-17 |
endDate |
End date of role assignment |
2020-01-31 |
Indien gewenst, gebruik het filter ValidOn om enkel de records te verkrijgen die op een bepaalde datum geldig zijn. Zo zullen zonder dit filter alle rollen, inclusief hun start- en einddatum, getoond worden - zelfs die met een toekomstige startdatum. Dankzij het filter kan je nu alleen de roltoewijzingen ophalen die geldig zijn op een specifieke dag.
Job Profiles
All job profiles that have been defined within the tenant.
HR Core Beaufort: Functie
shortName |
Code or short name of the Job Profile |
SE |
Functie code |
fullName |
Name or full title of the Job Profile |
Software Engineer 5 |
Functie omschrijving |
jobFamily |
Code or short name of the Job Family |
PD5 |
Functie groep code |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
Data niet beschikbaar in de API |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
Data niet beschikbaar in de API |
type |
Functietype |
costUnit |
Kostensoort |
costType |
Kostendrager |