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Recruitment domein model, entiteiten en velden
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- 645 Weergaven
- De Recruitment api heeft de status Controlled Available en is enkel nog beschikbaar in overleg met Visma Raet.
Artikel inhoud
- Domein model
- Het model
- Entiteiten en velden
- Person (Persoon)
- Employment (Dienstverband)
- Organisation unit (Organisatie-eenheid)
- Role assignment (roltoewijzing)
- Job profile (functie)
- User (Youforce user account)
Domein model
De Recruitment api bevat uitsluitend de basis medewerker- en organisatiegegevens. Middels deze API heeft de recruitment system inzicht in de organisatiestructuur en de huidige medewerker als mogelijk potentiële kandidaten binnen het recruitment proces.
De vacature en het onboarden van de nieuwe medewerker maken nog geen onderdeel uit van deze API.
Het model
Entiteiten en velden
Person (Persoon)
Id / personId | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is owned by the core system and can not changed by a user | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
PersonCode | The logical code or number of the employee. | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
Initials | The initials of the employee. Format depends | P00303 - Voorletters |
firstNames | The official given names of the employee as stored in the HR Core system | P01002 - Voornamen |
KnownAs | The name which is used by the employee as his first name | P01003 - Roepnaam |
lastNameAtBirth | The last name at birth of the employee. Also known as the family name | P00301 - Geboortenaam |
lastNameAtBirthPrefix | The prefix of the last name at birth | P00302 - Geboortenaam-voorvoegsels |
lastName | The last which is currently used by the employee as his last name | P01008 - Samengestelde naam |
lastNamePrefix | The prefix of the last name as used currently | P01009 - Samengestelde naam-voorvoegsels |
nameAssembleOrder | Code of the assemble order that the core system uses for the last Name. The assemble order is depending on the core system and the logic behind it. | P00304 - Gebruik achternaam |
partnerName | The partner last name | P00390 - Partner-naam |
partnerNamePrefix | The prefix of the partner last name | P00391 - Partner-voorvoegsels |
titlePrefix | The formal title which will be used as a prefix before the name like Doctor, Professor, et cetera | P00305 - Titulatuur voor de naam |
titleSuffix | The formal title which will be used as postfix after the name like MSc or Master of Science | P03937 - Titulatuur achter de naam |
gender | Gender of the person conform the ISO/IEC 5128 standard (0) Not known (1) Male (2) Female (9) Not applicable |
P00330 - Geslacht M = Man / Male V = Vrouw / Female |
dateOfBirth | Date of Birth | P00321 -Geboorte datum |
deceased | Indicated if the employee deceased Note: most core systems have a date field. In the API this will be translated to boolean |
P01005 - Datum overlijden |
UserUID | Digital Identity of the user from the portal | PORTAL : Ping ID |
emailAddresses | List of the email addresses of the employee. The fields are: type like Business, Private, etc. address |
Business: P01035 - E-mail adres werk Private: P01034 - E-mail adres prive |
phoneNumbers | list of phone numbers of the employee type like Business, Home, Mobile, et cetera number |
Home: P01027 - telefoonnr woonadres Mobile : P01036 - Telefoonnr mobiel Business :P01037 - Telefoonnr werk FaxBusiness : P01039 Faxnr werk FaxHome : P01038 Faxnr prive |
Addresses | list of addresses of the employee. The address fields are: addressType like Home, Post, etc. streetName Number streetNumberAdditional postalCode city country |
Home: P01014 straatnaam P01016 Huisnummer P01018 Huisnummer toev P01020 Postcode P01022 Plaatsnaam P01024 Land Postal: P00365 straatnaam P00367 huisnummer P00368 huisnummer toev P00313 postcode P00308 plaatsnaam P00847 land |
Employment (Dienstverband)
Id / employmentId | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. | Object Id = "PersonCode" + ContractCode |
PersonCode / PersonId | Person code to which the employment is related | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode / ContractCode / ContractId |
Code of the contract | P01101 - volgnr dienstverband |
PayrollClientCode | Logical code of the payroll client. Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
[P01103 Opdrachtgever] |
PayrollInstitutionCode | Logical code of the payroll Institution. Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
[P01104 Instelling] |
hireDate | The hire date of the employment | P00322 - Datum in dienst |
dischargeDate | The end date or discharge date of the employment. This is always an "up to and including" date. In unknown the field will not be visible in the API | P00830 - Datum uit dienst |
originalHireDate | The first hire date of original hire date of an employee within the organization. This date is important for the tenure or working anniversary of an employee | P00834 -Datum in dienst CAO |
employmentType | Type of employment like Internal employee, contractor, "Wachtgelder" Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
P01102 - Soort arbeidsrelatie |
contractType | Type of the contact like indefinite period ('Onbepaalde tijd') or given time ('bepaalde tijd') | P08259 - Code contract (on)bepaalde tijd |
jobProfile | Official job title or job profile of the employment. The Job profile contains the following details: shortName: Code or short name of the job profile |
P01107 - Primaire functie |
classification | group or classification of the employment. Generic field Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
P01110 - Code doelgroep |
organizationUnit | organization unit Id of employment. The Id is a reference to the entity org units | P01106 - Hierarchische org. eenheid |
workingAmount | Work amount of employment. amountOfWork: the amount of work unitOfWork: Unit of work that specifies the amount of work like "hours", "days", et cetera periodOfWork: Period of work like "week" or "month" parttimePercentage |
P01109 - Uren per week P00404 percentage deelbetrekking |
Organisation unit (Organisatie-eenheid)
id | Technical and unique id of the organization Unit. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. | ID |
shortName | Code or short name of the organizational unit | OE Code |
fullName | Name of the organization unit | OE naam |
parentOrgUnit | reference to the parent organizational unit. Empty means that it is organizational unit on the highest level in the company | ParentID |
organisationUnitTpe | Type of the organization Unit | |
address | Address of the organisation Unit - Address - street - number - numberAdditional - postalCode - city |
OE Adres |
costCenter | default cost center of the organisation unit. | Kostenplaats |
IsBlocked | Indicates if the Organization unit is block for adding new employees. note: it is possible there are still employee referring to this Org Unit. |
blocked/inactive |
Role assignment (roltoewijzing)
id | Technical and unique id of the role assigment. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. | object ID |
PersonID / personCode | Technical ID of the Person | Persoonsnummer |
shortName | Short name of the role the person will have for this organization, like Manager, HR Professional, Director. | P01062 - Rol |
organisationUnit | Id of the organisation Unit | P01061 - Operationele org.eenheid |
startDate | Start date from which the role assignment is valid for that employee | P01063 - ingangsdatum roltoewijzing |
endDate | end date until when the role assignment is valid | P01064 - einddatum roltoewijzing |
Job profile (functie)
id / shortName | Unique id of the Job profile. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. | P02301 - Code functie |
fullName | Name of the Job Profile | P02302 - Omschrijving functie |
jobFamily | Job family to which the job profile belongs | P02305 - Code Functiegroep |
User (Youforce user account)
Id / UserUID | Ping Id or User Id which be used for the SSO solution of Visma Raet | Ping ID |
SourceId | Youforce user name | Gebruikersnaam |
IdentityId | Identity of the user on the local network | Identity |