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WFM domain model, entiteiten en velden
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Artikel inhoud
- Domein model
- Het model
- Entiteiten en velden
- Person (Persoon)
- Employment (Dienstverband)
- SalaryDetails (Dienstverband)
- Assignments (Inzet)
- Cost allocation (Loonverdeling)
- Leave Entitlements (Verlofrechten)
- leave hours (Opgenomen verlof in uren)
- Sickleave (Ziekte algemeen, uitgezonderd zwangerschapsverlof)
- Maternity leave (ziekte zwangerschapsverlof)
Domein model
Het model
Entiteiten en velden
Person (Persoon)
Id / personId | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is owned by the core system and can not changed by a user | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
PersonCode | The logical code or number of the employee. | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
Initials | The initials of the employee. Format depends | P00303 - Voorletters |
firstNames | The official given names of the employee as stored in the HR Core system | P01002 - Voornamen |
KnownAs | The name which is used by the employee as his first name | P01003 - Roepnaam |
lastNameAtBirth | The last name at birth of the employee. Also known as the family name | P00301 - Geboortenaam |
lastNameAtBirthPrefix | The prefix of the last name at birth | P00302 - Geboortenaam-voorvoegsels |
lastName | The last which is currently used by the employee as his last name | P01008 - Samengestelde naam |
lastNamePrefix | The prefix of the last name as used currently | P01009 - Samengestelde naam-voorvoegsels |
nameAssembleOrder | Code of the assemble order that the core system uses for the last Name. The assemble order is depending on the core system and the logic behind it. | P00304 - Gebruik achternaam |
partnerName | The partner last name | P00390 - Partner-naam |
partnerNamePrefix | The prefix of the partner last name | P00391 - Partner-voorvoegsels |
titlePrefix | The formal title which will be used as a prefix before the name like Doctor, Professor, et cetera | P00305 - Titulatuur voor de naam |
titleSuffix | The formal title which will be used as postfix after the name like MSc or Master of Science | P03937 - Titulatuur achter de naam |
gender | Gender of the person conform the ISO/IEC 5128 standard (0) Not known (1) Male (2) Female (9) Not applicable |
P00330 - Geslacht M = Man / Male V = Vrouw / Female |
dateOfBirth | Date of Birth | P00321 -Geboorte datum |
deceased | Indicated if the employee deceased Note: most core systems have a date field. In the API this will be translated to boolean |
P01005 - Datum overlijden |
emailAddresses | List of the email addresses of the employee. The fields are: type like Business, Private, etc. address |
Business: P01035 - E-mail adres werk Private: P01034 - E-mail adres prive |
phoneNumbers | list of phone numbers of the employee type like Business, Home, Mobile, et cetera number |
Home: P01027 - telefoonnr woonadres Mobile : P01036 - Telefoonnr mobiel Business :P01037 - Telefoonnr werk FaxBusiness : P01039 Faxnr werk FaxHome : P01038 Faxnr prive |
Addresses | list of addresses of the employee. The address fields are: addressType like Home, Post, etc. streetName Number streetNumberAdditional postalCode city country |
Home: P01014 straatnaam P01016 Huisnummer P01018 Huisnummer toev P01020 Postcode P01022 Plaatsnaam P01024 Land P01012 Adres m.i.v. Postal: P00365 straatnaam P00367 huisnummer P00368 huisnummer toev P00313 postcode P00308 plaatsnaam P00847 land P01011 Adres m.i.v. |
Employment (Dienstverband)
Id / employmentId | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. | Object Id = "PersonCode" + ContractCode |
PersonCode / PersonId | Person code to which the employment is related | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode / ContractCode / ContractId |
Code of the contract | P01101 - volgnr dienstverband |
PayrollClientCode | Logical code of the payroll client. Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
P01103 Opdrachtgever |
PayrollInstitutionCode | Logical code of the payroll Institution. Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
P01104 Instelling |
hireDate | The hire date of the employment | P00322 - Datum in dienst |
dischargeDate | The end date or discharge date of the employment. This is always an "up to and including" date. In unknown the field will not be visible in the API | P00830 - Datum uit dienst |
originalHireDate | The first hire date of original hire date of an employee within the organization. This date is important for the tenure or working anniversary of an employee | P00834 -Datum in dienst CAO |
employmentType | Type of employment like Internal employee, contractor, "Wachtgelder" Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
P01102 - Soort arbeidsrelatie |
contractType | Type of the contact like indefinite period ('Onbepaalde tijd') or given time ('bepaalde tijd') | P08259 - Code contract (on)bepaalde tijd |
jobProfile | Official job title or job profile of the employment. The Job profile contains the following details: shortName: Code or short name of the job profile |
P01107 - Primaire functie |
classification | group or classification of the employment. Generic field Filter option for Row Authorisation (configuration API) |
P01110 - Code doelgroep |
organizationUnit | organization unit Id of employment. The Id is a reference to the entity org units | P01106 - Hierarchische org. eenheid |
workingAmount | Work amount of employment. amountOfWork: the amount of work unitOfWork: Unit of work that specifies the amount of work like "hours", "days", et cetera periodOfWork: Period of work like "week" or "month" parttimePercentage |
P01109 - Uren per week P00404 percentage deelbetrekking |
SalaryDetails (Dienstverband)
Id | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. | |
PersonCode | Person code to which the employment is related | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode | Code of the employment | P01101 - volgnr dienstverband |
typePaidWorkerCode | type of paid or unpaid worker | P00332 Code soort loner |
payrollSchemeCode | payroll scheme related to the collective agreement | P00314 Code salarisregeling |
payrollScale | Salary scale | P01151 Salaris |
payrollSeniority | Salary step or seniority within the salary scale | P00326 Ancienniteit salaris |
payrollAmountNo | salary amount number | P01152 Inpassingsnr salaris |
GuaranteedPayrollScale | Garanteed salary scale. | P01157 Garantieschaal nummer |
GuaranteedSeniority | Garanteed step or seniority within the garanteed scale | P01158 Ancienniteit garantieschaal |
GuaranteedPayrollAmountNo | salary amount number | P00318 garantie salaris |
CalculatedSalary | calculated gross salary by Beaufort | P01161 Berekend bruto salaris |
CalculatedHourlySalary | calculated gross hourly salary by Beaufort | P01162 Berekend bruto uurloon |
CalculatedGuaranteedSalary | calculated gross garanteed salary by Beaufort | P01159 Berekend garantiesalaris |
CalculatedGuaranteedHourlySalary | calculated gross garanteed hourly salary by Beaufort | P01160 Berekend garantie uurloon |
Assignments (Inzet)
assignmentID | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user. | |
PersonCode / PersonId | Person code to which the employment is related | P01001 - Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode / ContractCode / ContractId |
Code of the contract | P01101 - volgnr dienstverband |
startDate/validFrom | The date when the assignments start | P01125 - Ingang inzet |
endDate/ValidUntil | The end date of the assignment. This is always an "up to and including" date. In unknown the field will not be visible in the API | P01126 - Einde inzet |
jobProfile | Job title or job profile of the assignment. The Job profile contains the following details: shortName: Code or short name of the job profile |
P01122 - Operationele functie |
organizationUnit | Organization unit id of the assignment. The Organization Unit Id is a reference tot the organization unit entity | P01121 - Operationele org. eenheid |
workingAmount | work amount of the assignment. amountOfWork: the amount of work unitOfWork : Unit of work that specifies the amount of work like "hours", "days", et cetera periodOfWork: Period of work like "week" or "month" |
P01124 - Uren inzet per week |
costCenter | the cost center of the Assignment | P01128 - Kostenplaats Inzet |
costUnit | the cost unit of the Assignment | P01129 - Kostendrager Inzet |
costType | the cost type of the Assignment | P01127 - Kostensoort Inzet |
type |
Type of assignment | P01123 - Soort Inzet |
Cost allocation (Loonverdeling)
API Field | Description (English) | Beaufort field | Example |
id | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. | 1000 1 0 | |
PersonCode | Person code to which the employment is related | P01001 - Persoonsnummer | 1000 |
employmentCode | Code of the contract | P01101 - volgnr dienstverband | 1 |
sequenceNumber | Row number or sequence number or the cost allocation within the employee | P01131 - regelnr loonverdeling | 0 |
costCenter | the cost center of the cost allocation row | P01134 - Kostenplaats loonverdeling | 10000 - administratie |
costUnit | the cost unit of the cost allocation row | P01135 - Kostendrager loonverdeling | 10000 - Aministratie |
costType | the cost type of the cost allocation row | P01133 - Kostensoort loonverdeling | 41300 - Afdelingshoofd |
percentage | Percentage of the cost allocation row | P01132 - Percentage loonverdeling | 100 |
Leave Entitlements (Verlofrechten)
id | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. | object id |
PersonCode | Person code to which the employment is related | Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode | Code of the contract | volgnr dienstverband |
leaveType | leave type code, like WET for legal | P01430 code verlofsoort werknemer |
leaveEntitlementYear | Year of the Leave entitlement | P01440 verlofjaar verlofrechten |
leaveEntitlementLastYear | leave entitlement last year | P01442 verlofrecht vorig jaar in uren |
leaveEntitlementThisYear | leave entitlement this year | P01443 verlofrecht huidig jaar in uren |
leave hours (Opgenomen verlof in uren)
id | Technical and unique id. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. | |
PersonCode | Person code to which the employment is related | Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode | Code of the contract | volgnr dienstverband |
leaveEntitlementYear | Year of the Leave entitlement | P01466 - verlofjaar verlofrecht |
leaveType | leave type code, like WET for legal | P01465 - code verlofsoort |
leaveSequence | leave request Id | P01460 - Volgnummer verloftijdvak |
leaveDate | leave date | P01470 - Datum verlof |
leaveHours | hours leave on specific leave | P01471 - uren verlof |
Sickleave (Ziekte algemeen, uitgezonderd zwangerschapsverlof)
id | Technical and unique id of the sickness case. The Id is unique within the entity and tenant. | |
PersonCode | Person code to which the employment is related | Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode | Code of the contract | volgnr dienstverband |
startDate | first day of the sickness of the employee | P01600 Datum eerste ao-dag |
recoveryDate | recovery date or first working day of the employee | P01606 Datum herstel |
expectedRecoveryDate | Expected recovery date | P01605 Datum verwacht herstel toevoegen |
Partial recovery | ||
periodId | technical id of the partial recovery period | |
periodStartDate | The start date from which the new Illness percentages is valid | P01640 - Ziektetijdvak vanaf |
percentage | The percentages the employee is still sick. the percentage is always related to the total amount of working hours of the employee itself | P01642 - Percentage ziek |
Maternity leave (ziekte zwangerschapsverlof)
id | Technical and unique id of the Maternity leave. The Id is unique within the entity and tenant. | |
PersonCode | Person code to which the employment is related | Persoonsnummer |
employmentCode | Code of the contract | volgnr dienstverband |
startDate | first day of the maternity leave of the employee | P01600 Datum eerste ao-dag |
recoveryDate | recovery date or first working day of the employee | P01606 Datum herstel |