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How to Mark for PO in SalesOrder v3

21-11-2024 13:35
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In SalesOrder v1 and v2, when you set the {"markForPO": "true"}, the Purchase order source is by default set to Purchase to order.

In SalesOrder v3, only the field purchaseOrderSource is included. If you set purchaseOrderSource in v3, markForPO will automatically be true in the database.




This change simplifies the process compared to v1 and v2, where you needed to include both markForPO and poSource if you wanted to set the Purchase order source to Drop-Ship. The change in v3 allows you to set Purchase order source with just one field.


Available Options for v3

There are two main methods to set the purchase order source in v3.


Option 1: Default Replenishment Setting in UI

If an item has a default replenishment source, such as Drop Shipment or Purchase to Order, set in Item warehouse details screen (IN204500, Replenishment Info-tab), the system will automatically mark the line for PO when you add the item to an order line. The Purchase order source will be set according to the item's default setting.




Option 2. Manual Setting

If an item does not have a default replenishment source, set the Purchase order source manually for the line when needed. In v3, use {“purchaseOrderSource”: “purchaseToOrder” } instead of setting {markForPO: true} as in v1 and v2. See the documentation for more information.


POST /api/v3/SalesOrdersPOST /api/v3/SalesOrders


With these changes in v3, managing purchase order source in sales orders becomes more straightforward and efficient.
