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TaxID '01' cannot be found in the system

10-02-2020 12:25 (Updated 10-06-2021)
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TaxID '01' cannot be found in the system

To diagnose why you get this error message, you must check a couple of things.

The process flow of applying VAT in Visma.Net Financials follows this flow:

2020-02-10 Financials - VAT zones, VAT categories & VAT - YouTube.png


First, the VAT Zone ID is collected from the Supplier or Customer, check the following:

Supplier(ScreenId=AP303000) Purchase settings tab:

2020-02-10 10_24_10-Suppliers.png

Customer(ScreenId=AR303000) Delivery settings tab:

2020-02-10 10_26_58-Customers.png



For this article, we’ll have a look at the Customer.


To check the VAT Zones, go to ScreenId=TX2060PL and click on the Zone ID of your customer(Here it is Zone 01).

2020-02-10 12_05_30-VAT zones.png


Clicking on the Zone will show the different VAT ID’s available for this zone.

2020-02-10 12_06_18-VAT zones.png


VAT Category

Next, you need to check the VAT category of the Item you are going to use, this is found under the “General Information” tab of the item (Non-Stock: ScreenId=IN202000, Stock Item: ScreenId=IN202500).

2020-02-10 11_43_31-Non-stock items.png


Clicking on the pencil next to the category will open the window for that category(ScreenId=TX2055PL).

Here you need to make sure that the category has the correct VAT type for the document you are creating.

You will also see a list of available VAT Ids for this category.

2020-02-10 11_48_34-VAT categories.png


Visma.Net Financials will select the VAT ID based on the the ID where Category and Zone match.

Opening VAT Id 3 will show you that both Zone 01 and Category 03 will be present here, and will therefore be valid on the line when you are creating your invoice.

2020-02-10 12_11_27-VAT.png
2020-02-10 12_11_53-VAT.png


Posting the invoice without specifying the VAT id:

2020-02-10 12_13_14-Postman.png


Generates invoice in VNF:

2020-02-10 12_14_11-Sales invoices.png


Specifying the VAT ID based on this will create the invoice, however posting a VAT ID that does not comply with the points in this article(eg. A VAT ID that has a category that is not does not match the type of document you want to create, a VAT Category / Zone combination that does not exist) will give you an error message.

ℹ️For further information regarding how to set up VAT zones/ids and categories, contact your partner service / ERP Support.