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Move of breaking change Due date for Sales order v1 and v2

by Joni Wolff (Updated ‎04-12-2024 16:11 by Christian Sandell VISMA )

As announced previous, the original plan was to close specific sales order endpoints in v1 and v2 by 31/12 2024.

This due date is now changed. We plan to be functional complete with Sales order API v3 by Q2-2024(30th of June 2024), thus new Due date being end of Q4-2024(31st of December 2024). If any change would occur for this, we will announce that as soon as possible.


Planned due date to close specific sales order endpoints in v1 and v2 is 31/3 2025. Find more information here on the planned removal of Sales Order endpoints

by erik-kle

What about the new auth? Will that be enforced?

by Trygve Storrønningen1

We started to lift all customers to v3, also using the new auth. 
What expectations could we have to the stability in v3 till 30th June 2024 - how moving/breaking will it be?

Breaking changes in prod for customers... do the math...


I am really not certain what do to; roll all customers back to v2 and stay there till 30th June 2024, or take a chance and continue on v3.... Visma, what do you suggest...?

Joni Wolff
by Joni Wolff
Joni Wolff
by Joni Wolff (Updated ‎12-05-2023 11:53 by Joni Wolff VISMA )

@Trygve Storrønningen1 "What expectations could we have to the stability in v3 till 30th June 2024 - how moving/breaking will it be?"

Could you clarify this a bit? Are you referring to the new date of 31st of December, if that might move?

If you are thinking of it v3 will be removed or made obsolete, that is not the case. We will continuously add more functionality to v3 until we have everything in place to cover the endpoints specified in v1/v2. The plan then being to be functional complete by Q2-2024.