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Recertification 2021 (Sweden)

by Christian Sandell (Updated ‎15-12-2021 15:22 by Christian Sandell VISMA )

This information concerns swedish ISVs only.


The recertification material for this year is now updated in Visma Academy and consists of the recording from the Webinar held the 14th of December. In order to pass this year's recertification, you need to have watched the webinar (either live or the recording), and answer the questions in the course.


Recertification is mandatory for all who got certified before 2021-06-30.


You'll find the recertification course Integrations(API) Re-certification 2021 (SE) in Visma Academy. Please note that you may have to add it from the course catalouge.  


Deadline is 2021-12-31


If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at