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[Release Notes] - Sales Order Service API 28th of September 2023 - 31st of October 2023

by Joni Wolff

Due to an issue with the automatic release notes to the Community starting from 28th of September 2023 I'm posting the release notes for this time period manually.


Release notes
Filter Inventory endpoint with LastModifiedDate It is now possible to filter the Inventory endpoint with the LastModifiedDateTime value
Support for Completed in order line Setting the Completed field in order lines is now supported.
Line replacement unit cost converted to order currency Earlier, the line replacement unit cost was not converted to the currency of the order, but the base currency was used instead. This has now been fixed.
Support for cancelling an order You can now cancel an order by changing the status of an order to Cancelled. Note that, when you set an order to Cancelled, you cannot update any more fields.
Support for Attachment information in GET order and GET order lines You can now get information about the attachments that have been added to an order or order lines via GET Order and GET order lines.