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[Release Notes] - Sales Order Service API May - August 2024

by Joni Wolff

Because of an error, the release notes during the period May - August 2024 were not automatically posted. Here are the release notes for this period.


Release notes Description
LOT/Serial numbers available in GET/Inventory It is now possible to expand LOT/serial in GET/Inventory endpoint.
If you use expand=lotSerial without expand=location, it will show the Lot/serial for item on Warehouse level
If you use expand=lotSerial and expand=location, it will show the Lot/serial for item on Warehouse location level
Only Lot/Serial numbers that has a quantity will be included in the response
Access to order in interactive API now restricted based on user's access to branch For the POST and PATCH endpoints, if a call is done with a user token for a user without access to the order's branch, the endpoint will now return a 404 error.
POST/SalesOrders/Lines extended with sortOrder You can now in POST/SalesOrder/lines set the sortorder for the added line(s). If not provided, the new line(s) will be added last and if providing sort order that already exist, the lines with higher sort order value will get increased sort order.
"isRotRutDeductable" removed from GET/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId} "isRotRutDeductable" is now, as announced previously, removed from GET/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}.
You use the field "isRotRutDeductible" instead.
"appartment" removed from GET "appartment" is now, as announced previously, removed from GET/api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/rotrut.
You use the field "apartment" instead.
Input for sortOrder in PATCH/SalesOrders/lines It is now possible to set sortOrder to a value higher than the line count of the order. Previously this was not possible and you received an error.
Access to order in interactive API now restricted based on user's access to branch For the GET endpoints, if a call is done with a user token for a user without access to the order's branch, the endpoint will now return a 404 error.
PurchaseOrderSource set according to warehouse Earlier, after changing the warehouse on a line, purchaseOrderSource was not updated according to the warehouse. This has now been fixed.
Supplier not found or is not active error From now, when the supplier number contain leading or trailing spaces in the id, there will be no error message.
Validation for supplierId Now it is no longer needed that purchase order source is set to be able to set the supplier ID for the order line
Status added in GET/shipment The shipment status field is now included in the GET/shipment endpoint
Orders created via the new Sales order service now included in classic menu search Orders created via the new Sales order service (API and UI) are no longer missing from the classic menu search results under Transactions and registers.
Validation of warehouse location for receipt lines When adding a order line with operation: "Receipt", and the warehouse location do not allow receipts, you will get an error.
Projects restricted to customer If you have restricted projects based on customer in the Project preferences (PM101000) window, and you set a project for an order, you will now get a 400 error if the project is not connected to the order's customer.