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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.20 - 24.03.2020

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎17-06-2020 10:19 by Yıldırım VISMA )
TotalCount on GET operation with pagination Earlier, the following endpoints did not fetch "totalCount".
- Generalledgerbalance
- Customercreditnote
- Customercreditwriteoff
- Customerdebitnote
- Customerinvoice
- Customerdocument
- Inventory
- Purchaseorderbasic
- Journaltransaction
This has now been fixed.
GET CustomerInvoice using FT=1 BillContactID missing A faster version of GET CustomerInvoice endpoint is now available as a feature toggle (ft=1). You can use it like this:
"directDebitLines" field not returned in Get specific/All via Customer endpoint Earlier, the customers' directDebit details were not loaded through GET customers endpoints using the following endpoints:
This has now been fixed.
Expose Item ID in shipment allocation ItemID on allocation is now available via GET all and get specific in the Shipment endpoint. See the swagger documentation for more information.
GET Inventory endpoint does not return InventoryUnits and Metadata:TotalCount Earlier, there was an issue with the GET Inventory endpoint, which did not return "InventoryUnits" and "Metadata:TotalCount".
This has now been fixed.
Create a get operation for KitAssembly endpoint You are now able to GET/POST/PUT and DELETE a kit assembly via the API. See the swagger documentation for more info.
New API endpoint for update of customer number based on internal ID A new API endpoint for Customer has been implemented "...customer/action/changeCustomerCd/{internalId}". This endpoint can be used by third parties to update the CustomerCD based on the System Internal ID. This will improve the synchronization of data between the systems.
SupplierTaxZone does not overwrite default value on supplier Earlier, there was an error when posting a purchase invoice with a different VAT zone than set on the supplier, resulting in the VAT zone being ignored.
This issue has now been fixed so that the supplier VAT zone defined in the payload for the purchase invoice will overwrite the supplier VAT zone defined on the supplier.
There is now a check after posting, and when the VAT region is not correctly set (or not the same as given in the first json) we edit the invoice.
Sales order with wrong status and strange sums Earlier, when a sales order was created (POST) through API and the sent JSON file contained fields like ("hold": {"value": true}, completed": { "value": true }, "markForPO": { "value": false } ), the amounts from the Totals tab and the Sales order status were wrong.
This has now been fixed.
Inventory endpoints with project and task You are now able to GET Project and ProjectTask via the InventoryIssue and InventoryReceipt endpoints.
See the swagger documentation for more information.