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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.24 - 23.06.2020

by Yıldırım


More APIs updated with help text in Swagger

The following APIs have been updated with help text in Swagger.
* Account
* CashTransaction
* Currency
* FinancialPeriod
* GeneralLedgerBalance
* GeneralLedgerTransaction
* Ledger
* Vat

The column numberToRead integer and skipRecords integer now include information that they will be terminated and replaced later.

The Period and Date columns now include information about the format.

Forced pagination in Shipment endpoint

Now, there is forced pagination in the Shipment endpoint:
 - If no pagination is specified, only 100 records will be returned
 - If pagination is used but the maxPagesize is more than 100, then only 100 records will be returned
 - maxPagesize info has been added as metadata in response

Forced pagination in SalesOrderBasic endpoint

Now, there is forced pagination in the SalesOrderBasic endpoint:
 - If no pagination is specified, only 100 records will be returned
 - If pagination is used but the maxPagesize is more than 100, then only 100 records will be returned
 - maxPagesize info has been added as metadata in response

Improved API error handling for Timecard endpoint

We have improved API error handling for the Timecard endpoint so that it now shows the correct messages.

Improved API error handling for Subaccount endpoint

We have improved API error handling for the Subaccount endpoint so that it now shows the correct messages.

New field in the API response message for the Project endpoint

In order to improve the connection with third party integrators we included a new field ("VnfInternalID") in the API response message for the Project endpoint. The field represents the unique identifier of the project.

JournalTransaction endpoint replaced with JournalTransactionV2 endpoint

The 'JournalTransaction' endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in September 2020.
A new endpoint was created to replace it. You find the documentation in Swagger under the 'JournalTransactionV2' endpoint.

Fetch information on customer and commission history in Salesperson endpoint

You are now able to fetch information related to customer and commission history in the Salesperson endpoint. See the swagger documentation for more information.

Wrongfully logged API errors fixed

API calls to endpoint /api/v1/webhooknotificationfeedback will now return 400 (Bad Request) when the notification passed in does not exist.
The endpoint will also return 400 (Bad Request) if the passed in notification dto is not provided or invalid.

New improved version of the JournalTransaction endpoint

A new version of the JournalTransaction endpoint has been implemented. The main changes consist of performance improvements on the method of getting journal transactions.

Mandatory parameters were introduced. You have to provide at least one of the parameters: 'PeriodId' and/or 'LastModifiedDateTime'. 'LastModifiedDateTime' is not allowed to have values less than 6 months back in time.
The 'Module' parameter was introduced to facilitate filtering of data for integrators interested only in certain types of transactions.

'LastModifiedDateTimeCondition' was removed since the usage of it affects the purpose of lastModifiedDateTime: it should be used to synchronize data by requesting for changed data only.

The 'Released' parameter was renamed to 'ReleasedBatch' and its type was changed to boolean.

The default value of 'ExpandAttachments' was changed to false.

The following parameters were removed: customerSupplierStart, customerSupplierEnd, greaterThanValue.

Pagination is enforced, and the maximum page size is 100.
If the page size is not provided or it is greater than 100, then it will be automatically set to 100.
If the page number is not provided, then it will be automatically set to 1.

Note: The old endpoint will be marked as deprecated and will be removed in three months.  

The "Owner" field is left out in POST/PUT via Sales order endpoint

Earlier, when owner was added in the API for PUT and POST for Sales order, the Owner field was left blank when the order was created or updated.
This has now been fixed so that you can get the user ID of the employee from the Employee endpoint, and use this for setting the owner in the sales order.

Response status returning 400 with a longer location ID than allowed

The response status is now returning 400 when trying to POST or PUT a location with a location ID longer than the allowed setting in segmented keys.

Filtering on sales subaccount improved

In the previous version, filtering on sales subaccount was not working . This has now been fixed.

General ledger balance v2 was giving HTTP 400 on valid requests

 There was an issue on version 2 of the GeneralLedgerBalance endpoint: reading of account external codes was done wrongfully. Because of it, the response of the API was error code 400 - BadRequest.
The issue related to reading the external codes is fixed now.

Display metadata in Salesperson endpoint

Metadata was not displayed in the Salesperson endpoint. This has now been fixed. In addition, base pagination is obsolete and will be removed in August 2020.
1 Comment
by Yıldırım

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