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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.29 - 01.12.2020

by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎02-12-2020 10:51 by Yıldırım VISMA )
Release Notes. Documentation

Improved error message on Project endpoint when wrong employeeID is selected

Error handling for the Project endpoint on the PUT operation has been improved. When trying to change an existing project, by adding a wrong employee, the error shows message "400 Bad request 'EmployeeID' is not found".

GET operation for Currency Endpoint (texchangerates/toCurrencyId/effectiveDate) does not return all the data shown in the swagger documentation

In previous versions, the GET /api/v1/currency/exchangerates/{toCurrencyId}/{effectiveDate} endpoint did not return all data listed in the Swagger documentation. This has now been fixed.

The CustomerInvoice endpoint allows leading spaces in the "referenceNumber" field via API POST

Earlier, leading spaces were allowed in the CustomerInvoice endpoint for the field "referenceNumber" when performing a POST operation.
This has now been fixed, so that CustomerInvoice, CustomerDebitNote and CustomerCreditNote endpoints will skip leading and trailing spaces in the "referenceNumber" field for the POST method.
When "referenceNumber" contains spaces the response will be: "400 - Bad request, Error creating document. New document must have a number that can not contain spaces".

$Batch Endpoint returns 401 - Unauthorized for all requests except first operation in the batch payload

Earlier, the $Batch Endpoint was returning 401-Unauthorized for all requests except first operation in the batch payload. This has now been fixed.

Failing Swagger 3.0 rules in O2C API endpoints

In ERP, a swagger json document is currenctly exposed for our APIs that previously failed to Open API/Swagger 3.x rules.
Earlier, one of the rules that failed was about Routes (path templates). Routes are supposed to be equal, but they were not due to the path variables being used. The resulting swagger json document ended up with having two distinct entries for the two path variables, instead of one.
This has now been fixed and corrected all route attributes that had this problem have been corrected.

The ARInvoice query suffers from async network I/O

Improved performance for GET CustomerInvoice, CustomerCreditNote and CustomerDebetNote endpoints by a using a smarter and more performance optimized SQL query.