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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.36.0 - 09.02.2021

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎12-02-2021 12:59 by Yıldırım VISMA )
Release Notes Documentation

Remove old 'GeneralLedgerBalance' endpoint

The 'GeneralLedgerBalance' endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on 9th of February 2021.
A new endpoint was created to replace it. You find the documentation for it in Swagger under the 'GeneralLedgerBalanceV2' endpoint.

Create Projects with shorter length than the defined segment length of the Project key with Project endpoint POST operation.

In the earlier version of the Project endpoint, it wasn't possible to create a project with a number of segment digits fewer than the defined length of the Project Segment Key. This has now been fixed.

Rolled-back due to 

  1. Metadata TotalCount missing in Customer endpoint
  2. Error post customer after release today


Slow performance on pagination when using the GET Customer endpoint

There was an issue when using pagination in the GET Customer endpoint. The higher page number used when retrieving a collection of customers, the slower the performance was. This has now been improved.