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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.59.0 - 03.08.2021

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎03-08-2021 13:11 by Yıldırım VISMA )
Release Notes Documentation

Linear degraded performance from GET salesorderbasic endpoint when increasing page number using pagination

Previously, when you called the GET Salesorderbasic endpoint, its performance linearly degraded when increasing the pageNumber parameter. This has now been fixed, in addition to a generic performance improvement of ~25% showed on our test company (the effect of this depends on the number of sales order documents and lines in the system).

Project validation when using "cashTansaction endpoint" for creating "cash transactions" with "projects" and "accounts" not included in the "account groups"

In previous versions, you were able to create cash transactions with projects on accounts that are not included in account groups using the CashTransaction endpoint. This issue has been fixed by adding validation on project, which checks if the account is included in an account group or not.