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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.60.0 - 10.08.2021

by Magnus Johnsen (Updated ‎20-08-2021 13:16 by Yıldırım VISMA )


Release Notes Documentation

Deprecated PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods

The PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods are deprecated and will be removed on November 16th 2021.
Start using the new methods under v2/currencyRate.

New Parameters/Flags to improve the performance of the General Ledger Transactions Endpoint

Parameters to avoid additional data for Account, Branch and beginning and ending balance in the query has been added to improve the performance for this API

By default, if no value is provided, True and each transaction returned will include extended information about the account.
If False, the account information will include only Number, Description, Type and GlConsolAccountCD.

By default, if no value is provided, True and each transaction returned will include extended information about Branch (number and name).
If False, the branch information will include only the branch number.

By default, if no value is provided, True and each transaction returned will include its balance.
If False, the transactions returned will not include their balances (fields BegBalance, EndingBalance, CurrBegBalance, CurrEndingBalance)

Pagination and filtering issues introduced with performance improvement of GET salesorderbasic endpoint in 8.59

In 8.59 we introduced a performance optimization for GET salesorderbasic endpoint which resulted in some issues with pagination and filtering. This has now been fixed, and we have reactivated the optimization again.

GET SalesOrder endpoint returns an internal project ID in project

Earlier, the GET SalesOrder endpoint returned and internal ID in project. This has now been fixed by adding property ProjectCD containing the visible ID for the project. Enabling integrations to utilize this value.

A new easier method to use the Currency endpoint  

The currency endpoints have been changed and a new version 2 added for Exchange rate and Rate type.
  GET api/v1/currency and
GET /api/v1/currency/{curyId} has been extended with new columns
    "symbol": "string",
    "isBaseCurrency": true, - is only returned on the currency that is the base currency.
    "decimalPrecision": 0,
    "isUsedForAccounting": true

New version 2 of Currency rates
GET /api/v2/currencyrate with parameter

    "id": 0,
    "fromCurrencyId": "string",
    "toCurrencyId": "string",
    "rateType": "string",
    "rate": 0,
    "effectiveDate": "2021-08-04T00:00:00",
    "multDiv": "string",
    "rateReciprocal": 0

For POST, the CurrencyRateID is removed as parameter and From and To Currency is part of the request.
POST /api/v2/currencyrate
  "fromCurrencyId": "string"
  "toCurrencyId": "string"
  "rateType": "string"
  "effectiveDate": "2021-08-04"
  "rate": 0
  "multDiv": "Multiply"

For PUT, the request only contain Rate and MultiDiv to avoid updating an existing Rate for a other currency/ratetype by mistake.
PUT /api/v2/currencyrate with parameter
  "rate": 0
  "multDiv": "Multiply"

New API's for Currency rate type:
GET /api/v2/currencyratetype
    "id": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "daysEffective": 0

POST /api/v2/currencyratetype
  "id": "string"
  "description": "string"
  "daysEffective": 0