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[Release Notes] - Visma.Net API 8.71.0 - 26.10.2021

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎27-10-2021 10:49 by Yıldırım VISMA )
Release Notes Documentation

GET StocktakeV2 endpoint is missing "baseUnit" on lines

Earlier, the GET Stocktake endpoint, in version V2, didn't return "baseUnit" for stocktake lines. This has now been fixed

Support for webhook notification on delete shipment

Previously webhook notification when deleting a shipment was not supported. We have now added DELETED support on shipment_changed notification. The makes it possible for integrations to be aware of when a shipment is deleted, and react upon such an event.

Saleorders endpoint getting slower for each paginated call

Earlier, the GET Salesorder endpoint got slower and slower for each paginated call. This has now been fixed.

CashSale endpoint getting slower for each paginated call

Earlier, the GET CashSale endpoint got slower and slower for each paginated call. This has now been fixed.

GET SalesPerson endpoint giving wrong DTO format for pagenumber and pagesize

Earlier, the GET SalesPerson endpoint gave a wrong DTO format for pagenumber and pagesize in response. This has now been fixed.

POST operation for JournalTransactionV2 for non-existing and inactive branches corrected

When using the POST operation for JournalTransactionV2 including a non-existing or inactive branch, it was posted to another branch. This has now been fixed and the request is rejected in these cases.

Error on purchase receipt from API with allocation and same stock item twice

Earlier, when creating a purchase receipt from API with the same stock item twice and with allocation, you got an error message. This has now been fixed.